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State of Minnesota County of __________________ In Re: Conservatorship of ______________________________, Protected Person District Court Probate Division Judicial District: __________________ Court File No. _____________________ Case Type: 14, Conservatorship Report Regarding Sale of Real Property By Order of this Court Filed___________________, the conservator is authorized to sell the protected person's interest in real property legally described as:__________________ ___________________________________________________________________________. The value of the property was originally appraised at $______________________, and such appraisals are filed with this Court. The conservator has agreed to sell the property, subject to this Court's approval, at a value of $____________________. The sale includes $_________________ earnest money and cash balance at closing. The property is to be sold to ____________________________ __________________________________________________________________________. The Court's Order approving sale provided that if the property is sold more than 6 months after ____________________________ the property must be re-appraised by ________________________________ and ______________________________________. The property has been re-appraised pursuant to this Court's Order and both appraisals, filed with this report, reflect that the property value is $____________________________. By filing this report, the undersigned, as attorney for the conservator, seeks this Court's order confirming the sale of real property legally described as ___________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ upon the terms and conditions listed in this Report at the value of $_____________________. FURTHER, under penalties for perjury for deliberate falsification therein, I declare or affirm that I have read the foregoing report and to the best of my knowledge or information, its representations are true, correct and complete. Dated:_____________,20___ __________________________________ Petitioner Name of Petitioner's Attorney: Name: ______________________________ License No.: ______________________________ Address: ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ City/State/Zip: ______________________________ American LegalNet, Inc. GAC 23-UR State ENG Rev 12/03 Page 1 of 1