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Real Property Tax Petition Form. This is a Minnesota form and can be use in District Court Statewide.
Tags: Real Property Tax Petition, 7, Minnesota Statewide, District Court
Revised 11/2016 MINNESOTA TAX COURT FORM 7 1. Petitioner Name(s): REAL PROPERTY TAX PETITION MINN. STAT. CHAPTER 278 2. Indicate The Tax Court Division Being Appealed To: Regular Division Small Claims Division. Upon this selection (Small Claims Division), Petitioner/s is/are aware of the fact that no appeal may be had from a Small Claims judgment and agrees that the decision of the Tax Court shall be conclusive. 3. Property Location: City/Township of _______________________________ County of ___________________________________ 4. a. Petitioner(s) Interest In The Subject Property: Owner or Part Owner Other (please specify): b. Is this property income-producing? Yes No 5. Property Description: You must identify the property involved. You can do this by ATTACHING to this petition and to each copy of this petition ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: (a) the contested notice of valuation, (b) the notice of proposed tax (Truth-in-Taxation), (c) the property tax statement, or (d) a legal description of the property (including the Property I.D. Number). 6. Assessment Date: January 2, ___________ for taxes payable in the year ___________. 7. Petitioner alleges the following error(s) in the assessment (check any applicable boxes) and requests from the Tax Court a judgment correcting the errors: Estimated market value is greater than property's actual market value. The subject property is unequally assessed when compared with other property. 8. Attorney Signature: _________________________________________________ Signature of Attorney for Petitioner(s) Please Print Attorney's Name Attorney Address: Telephone Nos.: Work: ( ) ________________________________________ Home: ( ) ________________________________________ Email address: ________________________________________ Classification is incorrect. The subject property is exempt from taxation. Other (please specify): _____________________________ ________________________________________________ 8a. Petitioner(s) Signature: (if not using an attorney) __________________________________________________ Signature of Petitioner(s) _________________________________________________ Attorney Registration No. _____________________________ __________________________________________________ Please Print Petitioner(s) Name Petitioner(s) Address: Telephone No. Fax No. Email address: ( ) ( ) ______________________________________ INSTRUCTIONS: You must file the original petition with any attachments, proof of service (see reverse side of this form) and filing fee with the Court Administrator's Office of the District Court in the county where your property is located on or before April 30th of the year the tax becomes payable. The Property Tax Appeals Fact Sheet includes instructions for filing this form and other important information regarding real property tax appeals and is available by contacting the Court Administrator's Office, or by contacting the Minnesota Tax Court. MINNESOTA TAX COURT Web Site: Telephone: (651) 539-3260 E-Mail: Deaf/Hard of Hearing/Speech Impaired Only: TDD users may call the Minnesota Tax Court through the Minnesota Relay Service: Greater Minnesota 1 (800) 627-3529. Ask for (651) 539-3260. American LegalNet, Inc. EXPLANATION OF PROOF OF SERVICE Proof of service tells the court that you have served the appropriate county officials with the required copies of the petition. Completion of this part of the form is required only on the original petition form, which you will file with the District Court Administrator's Office of the County where the property is located. Types of proof of service are provided below. Use only one of these methods of service: 1) Admission of Service: As you deliver the required copies to the county officials, have the official (or deputy of that office) sign for the copy(ies) as you deliver them. 2) Affidavit of Personal Service: If you have someone else (who is not a party to the appeal, such as a process server) deliver the required copies of the petition to the appropriate county officials, that person must sign a notarized statement that they made the delivery. ADMISSIONS OF SERVICE Service of ____ copy(ies) of Petition is hereby admitted this _____ day of ______________, 20________. Assessor of ____________________________________ County. By: _______________________________________ Service of ____ copy(ies) of Petition is hereby admitted this _____ day of ______________, 20_______. Treasurer of ____________________________________ County. By: _______________________________________ Service of ____ copy(ies) of Petition is hereby admitted this _____ day of ______________, 20________. Auditor of ____________________________________ County. By: _______________________________________ Service of ____ copy(ies) of Petition is hereby admitted this _____ day of ______________, 20________. County Attorney of _______________________________ County. By: _______________________________________ ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ________________________) STATE OF MINNESOTA AFFIDAVIT OF PERSONAL SERVICE __________________________________, being first duly sworn, says that in connection with the filing of this property tax petition in _________________________ County, Minnesota, he/she has served the appropriate county official as follows: Delivery of ______ true and correct copies of the petition to the County Assessor's Office on the ______ day of ____________________, 20________. Delivery of ______ true and correct copies of the petition to the County Auditor's Office on the ______ day of ____________________, 20________. Delivery of ______ true and correct copies of the petition to the County Treasurer's Office on the ______ day of ____________________, 20________. Delivery of ______ true and correct copies of the petition to the County Attorney's Office on the ______ day of ____________________, 20________. __________________________________________ Petitioner's Agent Subscribed and sworn to before me this _______ day of ____________________, 20________. ____________________________________________ Notary Public American LegalNet, Inc.