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Mailing Address: PO Box 64620 St. Paul, MN 55164-0620 STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS WORKERS222 COMPENSATION DIVISION (651) 361-7900 Reset LE0032 DO NOT USE THIS SPACE Stipulation of Intervention PRINT IN INK or TYPE. Enter dates in MM/DD/YYYY format. Re: dated (Identify dispute you are intervening in, such as a Claim Petition, Medical Request, or Rehabilitation Request) According to Minnesota Rules, part 1415.1200, it is stipulated and agreed that (entity filing Motion to Intervene) has sufficient interest to be joined as an intervenor in the above entitled matter. The parties do not dispute that the attached Exhibit A accurately lists the amounts and the dates of services provided by or paid by the intervenor in this case. This exhibit may be amended if additional services are provided or payments made. It is stipulated and agreed by the parties signing this stipulation that the services for which payment is being claimed are related to the alleged injury or condition in dispute and that, if the employee is successful in proving his or her claim, it is agreed that the sum provided in Exhibit A be paid to the intervenor. The intervenor recognizes its obligation to participate in reasonable settlement discuss ions if such negotiations are initiated by the parties. DATE ATTORNEY FOR EMPLOYEE DATE ATTORNEY FOR EMPLOYER/INSURER DATE ATTORNEY FOR INTERVENOR LE0032 Attachment to MO0001 (6/18) (over) WID or SSN DATE(S) OF CLAIMED INJURY EMPLOYEE VS. EMPLOYER(S) AND INSURER (S) AND American LegalNet, Inc. WID or SSN DATE(S) OF CLAIMED INJURY STATE OF MINNESOTA } } ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE COUNTY OF } I, , being first duly sworn, state that on , I served a true and correct copy of the attached STIPULATION OF INTERVENTON, enclosed in a properly addressed envelope, by depositing the same, with postage prepaid in the United States mail at , Minnesota, addressed as follows: Employee: Employee Attorney: Employer: Employer/Insurer Attorney: Insurer: Other Party (Specify): Other Party (Specify): Other Party (Specify): Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of Signature Notary Public My Commission expires American LegalNet, Inc.