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CLF 217 (1-22-04) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF MISSISSIPPI NOTICE OF SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER IN BANKRUPTCY CASE ____________________________________ _______________________________________Debtor Joint Debtor Case Number: ______________________ Case Number: _________________________INCORRECT SSN: _____________________ INCORRECT SSN: ________________________CORRECT SSN: CORRECT SSN: To: All Creditors and other interested parties, U.S. Trustee, case trustee and EXPERIAN EQUIFAX TRANS UNION P.O. Box 1017 P.O. Box 740241 P.O. Box 390 Allen, TX 75013 Atlanta, GA 30374-0241 Springfield, PA 19064 Either no social security number or an incorrect social security number was provided to the U.S. Bankruptcy Court when this case was filed. In either event the correct social security number is shown above and we are providing the Clerk of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court, under oath, Form B21, showing such correct social security number, as required by the federal privacy act. Debtors Attorney or Debtor Pro Se Date Joint Debtors Attorney or Joint Debtor Pro Se Date