Ballot Summary And Certification Download Free Print-Only PDF OR Purchase Interactive PDF Version of this Form
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MSSB-LR-3018-1 (12/13) United States Bankruptcy Court Southern District of Mississippi In re: Case No. Chapter 11 Ballot Summary and Certification I, ___________________________, counsel of record for (Debtor or plan proponent) , do hereby certify that the ballots attached hereto and filed herewith are true and correct copies of the original ballots received and that the summary of the ballot tally is a true and accurate reflection of the acceptances and rejections actually cast in this case. Ballot Summary by Claim Name (alphabetized) Class Allowed Amount Vote Ballot Summary by Class Class Total # Total $ Amount Total # of Yes/No (yes) (no) Total $ Amount by Yes/No (yes) (no) Class Vote Date: _____________________ /s/ (Attorney for Plan Proponent) (Attach copies of ballots) American LegalNet, Inc.