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MSSB-A13-2 (Rev. 7/18) Example Ch. 13 Notice Adding Creditor(s) to Matrix ONLY (No Amended Schedules) United States Bankruptcy Court Southern District of Mississippi In re: Debtor(s) Case No. Chapter 13 To: Affected Creditors [List name & address of each affected creditor or attach a list containing the name & address of each affected creditor] U. S. Trustee Case Trustee [Input Trustee325s Name] Notice of Amendment to Debtor325s List of Creditors/Mailing Matrix Please take notice the debtor(s) named above has filed with the Bankruptcy Court an amended List of Creditors/Mailing Matrix to add one or more creditors. (See chapter 13 plan enclosed). If the affected creditor wishes to examine the debtor(s) under oath, the creditor has a right to request an adjourned 244 341(a) creditor325s meeting. The request must be made with the U.S. Trustee, 501 East Court St., Ste. 6-430, Jackson, MS 39201, within 21 days from the date of this notice. (See copy of the original Notice of Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Case (322244 341 Meeting of Creditors Notice323) attached.) The affected creditor has 60 days from the date of this notice to file, with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court, a complaint to determine the dischargeability of a debt under 244 523(c) of the Bankruptcy Code, a motion objecting to discharge under 244 1328(f) of the Bankruptcy Code or a motion to seek an extension of time for filing a complaint or a motion objecting to discharge. The affected creditor has 30 days from the date of this notice to file, with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court, an objection to the debtor325s Chapter 13 Plan. The affected creditor is given 30 days from the conclusion of the meeting of creditors or 30 days from the date of this notice, whichever is later, to file with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court an objection to the list of property claimed as exempt. The affected creditor has 70 days from the date of this notice to file a Proof of Claim with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court. A Proof of Claim form (Official Form 410) may be obtained at or any bankruptcy clerk325s office. Address of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court is provided on the attached 244 341 Meeting of Creditors Notice. Date: Signature of Attorney for Debtor(s) Certificate of Service I, the undersigned attorney for the above referenced debtor(s), do hereby certify that I have this date served a true and correct copy of the notice of amendment, 244 341 Meeting of Creditors Notice, and the chapter 13 plan (if applicable) to the affected creditor(s) via First Class U.S. Mail and the case trustee and U.S. Trustee via Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) through the ECF system. Date: Name of Attorney, MS Bar # Address City, State, Zip Telephone Number E-mail address Signature of Attorney for Debtor(s) American LegalNet, Inc.