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MSSB - OSC - PMSI PP (10 /0 2 / 20 1 7 ) Page 1 of 2 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF MISSISSIPPI I n re : NAME OF DEBTOR(S) C ase N o . XX - XXXXX - XXX DEBTOR . C hapter 13 OBJECTION TO SECURED CLAIM(S) The Debtor(s), by and through counsel, object(s) to the following pre - petition secured claim(s) and moves the Court to determine the treatment o f the following collateral for the purposes of plan confirmation: CREDITOR: NAME STREET ADDRESS STATE/ZIP Description of Collateral: PMSI PERSONAL PROPERTY Alleged Amount Owed: $ 0.00 Value: $ 0.00 Treatment: Pay the alleged amount owed of $ 0.00 plus % interest over the life of the Chapter 13 plan; or, in the event a timely filed and/or allowed Proof of Claim is filed by or on behalf of this creditor evidencing a purchase - money security interest and that the personal property loan was acquired less tha n one (1) year before the petition filing, pay the amount owed as set forth in such claim plus % interest over the life of the Chapter 13 plan; or, in the event a timely filed and/or allowed Proof of Claim is filed by or on behalf of this creditor evidencing a purchase - money security interest and that the personal property loan was acquired more tha n one (1) year before the petition filing, then pay the value of $ 0.00 plus % interest over the life of the plan unless the amount owed as set forth in such claim is less than the value of $ 0.00 . Debtor (s) pray (s) that in the event a timely filed and/or allowed Proof of Claim is filed by or on behalf of any of the abovementioned creditors evidencing an unsecured interest , that said creditor be paid the same percentage distribution as all other unsecured creditors through the American LegalNet, Inc. MSSB - OSC - PMSI PP (10 /0 2 / 20 1 7 ) Page 2 of 2 Chapter 13 plan and fur ther pray(s) that either upon payment of the underlying debts determined under non - bankruptcy law or a discharge under Bankruptcy Code 247 1328, all liens be cancelled . DATED: Respectfully submitted, /s/ ATTORNEY FOR DEBTOR (S) CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE On [d ate] , a copy of this pleading was served on each of the persons/ entities listed above by United States Mail and to the following parties via Notice of Electronic Filing NEF through the ECF system: [ List parties serv ed via ECF system ] (Signature) Attorney n ame and bar no. Address Telephone no. E mail address American LegalNet, Inc.