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MSSB-13-OCP (12/17) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF MISSISSIPPI I n re: [NAME OF DEBTOR ], C ase No.: [ XX - XXXXX - XXX ] DEBTOR . C hapter 13 ORDER CONFIRMING CHAPTER 13 PLAN The debtor222s plan was filed on (date), and amended/modified by subsequent order(s) of the court, if any. The plan was transmitted to creditors pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 3015. The court finds that the plan meets the requirements of 11 U.S.C. 247 1325. IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The debtor222s chapter 13 plan attached hereto is confirmed. 2. The following motions are granted (if any): a. Motion for valuation of security, payment of fully secured claims, and modification of undersecured claims made under Rule 3012 (247 3.2 of the plan); b. Motion to avoid lien pursuant to Section 522 (247 3.4 of the plan). 3. The stay under Section 362(a) is terminated as to the collateral only and the stay under Section 1301 is terminated in all respects regarding collateral listed in Section 3.5 of the plan (if any). 4. All property shall remain property of the estate and shall vest in the debtor only upon entry of discharge. The debtor shall be responsible for the preservation and protection of all property of the estate not transferred to the trustee. 5. The debtor222s attorney is awarded a fee in the amount of $, of which $ amount left owed is due and payable from the estate. ##END OF ORDER## Approved: Attorney for the Debtor Submitted by: [Attorney Name and Bar No.] [Address] [Telephone No.] and [Email address] American LegalNet, Inc.