Registered Agent Or Office Statement Of Change
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Registered Agent Or Office Statement Of Change Form. This is a Mississippi form and can be use in Corporations Secretary Of State.
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Tags: Registered Agent Or Office Statement Of Change, F0010, Mississippi Secretary Of State, Corporations
11 F0010 OFFICE OF THE MISSISSIPPI SECRETARY OF STATE P O BOX 136, JACKSON, MS 39205-0136 (601)359-1633 Registered Agent/Office Statement of Change 1. Company Name corporation nonprofit limited liability company foreign business trust limited partnership limited liability partnership domestic 2. foreign Name of the Current Registered Agent and Registered Office (as on file with the Secretary of State) Name 3. New Registered Agent's Name and Registered Office Name Physical Address P.O. Box City, State, Zip5, Zip4\\ 4. The undersigned certifies that: 1) he/she has notified the above-named registered agent of this appointment; 2) he/she has provided the agent an address for the company, and; 3) the agent has agreed to serve as registered agent for this company. Signature By: Printed name Title Mail completed form with the $10 fee to SECRETARY OF STATE, PO BOX 136, JACKSON, MS 39205-0136. For assistance contact a customer service representative at (800) 256-3494. Visit our website at for forms and instructions. American LegalNet, Inc.