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Revised 5/96 NOTICE OF DISCONTINUANCE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE PERMIT ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL Permit Department P.O. Box 540 Madison, Mississippi 39130-0540 I, ________________________________________ , ABC Permit No. _______ and doing business as _____________________________________________ and being located at _______________________________________________ hereby certify that the above named business will cease to operate at ________ (AM/PM) on _____________________. I request the Alcoholic Beverage Control to: (DATE) _ _ _ note that no alcoholic beverages remain in inventory; allow the permittee to retain the inventory for personal consumption; authorize the sale of the alcoholic beverage inventory of this business to _____________________________________ , ABC Permit No. ________ located at ____________________________________________________ . _____________________________________ Permittee Sworn to and subscribed before me this the ____ day of __________, 19 ___. _____________________________________ Notary Public My commission expires: ____________________ NOTICE: The purchaser of the alcoholic beverage inventory must complete the back of this form. American LegalNet, Inc. REQUEST TO PURCHASE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE INVENTORY I, _______________________________________, ABC Permit No. _________ and doing business as _____________________________________________ and being located at _______________________________________________ hereby request authority to purchase the aforesaid alcoholic beverage inventory in compliance with ABC Regulation No. 10. _____________________________________ Permittee Sworn to and subscribed before me this the _____ day of _________, 19 ___. _____________________________________ Notary Public My commission expires: _______________________ American LegalNet, Inc.