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SUPREME COURT OF MISSISSIPPI APPEARANCE FORM Case # ________________________________________ Style of Case ____________________________________ The Clerk will enter my/our appearance as Counsel for (Please list names and addresses of all parties represented.) who IN THIS COURT are [ ] Petitioner(s) [ ] Appellant(s) [ ] Respondent(s) [ ] Appellee(s) [ ] Amicus Curiae [ ] Intervenor I certify that I am a member of The Mississippi Bar. (Signature) (Type or Print Name) (Firm or Organization) Address City & State (Signature) (Type or Print Name) (Firm or Organization) Suite Zip Phone ( ) Fax ( ) E-Mail Address Note: When more than one attorney represents a single party or group of parties, counsel should designate a lead counsel to whom all notification is to be sent, with the understanding that if other counsel should be informed he will perform that function. If lead counsel has not signed above, lead counsel must complete his own form for appearance of counsel. The person to be notified in this case is: Name of Lead Counsel (Type or Print) American LegalNet, Inc. Inquiry of Counsel: To your knowledge and that of your co-counsel from whom you are to make inquiry: (1) Is there any case now pending in this court, which involves the same, substantially the same, similar or related issue(s)? Yes[ ] No[ ] (2) Is there any such case now pending (a) in a circuit or chancery court in this state, or (b) in an administrative agency, board, or commission which would likely be appealed to this court? Yes[ ] No[ ] (3) Is there any case such as (1) or (2) in which judgment or order has been entered and the case is on its way to this court by appeal, petition to enforce, review, deny? Yes[ ] No[ ] (4) Does this case qualify for calendaring priority under MRAP Rule 23? If so, cite type of case If answer to (1), or (2), or (3), is yes, please give detailed information. Number and Style of Related case. Name of Court or Agency Status of Appeal (if any) Other Status (if not appealed) IF A CRIMINAL APPELLANT IS OUT ON BOND, PLEASE PROVIDE THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF THE SURETIES. NOTE: Attach sheet to give further details. American LegalNet, Inc.