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Application For Admission Without Examination Form. This is a Missouri form and can be use in Supreme Court Appellate Courts.
Tags: Application For Admission Without Examination, Missouri Appellate Courts, Supreme Court
Applicant’s Name:
Are you a graduate of a law school that at the time of your matriculation or graduation was
approved by the American Bar Association?
Law School:
Month/Year J.D. Degree Conferred:
NOTE: To demonstrate that you have been conferred a J.D. degree from an ABA approved law
school, the Board of Law Examiners requires an official transcript that reflects the date the
degree was awarded. Please request that an official transcript be sent to the following address:
Attn: AWOE
Board of Law Examiners
P.O. Box 104236
Jefferson City, MO 65110-4236
In the preceding ten years, have you failed the Missouri bar examination?
NOTE: Rule 8.10(b) provides that a person is not eligible to be admitted under Rule 8.10 if he
or she failed the Missouri bar examination within the ten years immediately preceding the date
upon which application under Rule 8.10 is filed.
List all states/territories in which you currently have, or have ever had, a license to practice law
and provide the official date of your admission in each:
Date Admitted:
Date Admitted:
Date Admitted:
Date Admitted:
NOTE: Rule 8.10(a)(2) requires that an applicant for admission under Rule 8.10 has an active
license to practice law in at least one jurisdiction that permits mutuality of admission without
examination to Missouri lawyers.
Has your bar license in any of the states/territories listed in your answer to C above ever been
on inactive status?
If “YES,” list below the beginning and ending date(s) of all period(s) of inactive status:
American LegalNet, Inc.
At any time since the date of your admission to the bar of any states/territories listed in your
answer to C above, have you been ineligible to practice there for any reason?
If “YES,” list below the beginning and ending date(s) of all period(s) of ineligibility and
explain briefly the reason you were ineligible to practice:
Rule 8.10 requires that you demonstrate that, for five of the ten years preceding the date of your
application, you have: (1) been engaged in the full-time practice of law primarily at or from an
office physically located in a state, other than Missouri, or territory of the U.S. or the District of
Columbia, while you had an active license to practice law in such state or territory; or (2)
served full-time as a lawyer with the U.S. government or its armed forces; or (3) taught fulltime in a law school approved by the ABA; or (4) been engaged in the full-time practice of law
as in-house counsel primarily at or from an office physically located in a state, other than
Missouri, or in a territory of the U.S. or the District of Columbia; or (5) any combination of the
foregoing. Check all applicable boxes below to indicate your qualifications:
Practice at or from the following locations in states/territories while holding an active
license to practice in such states/territories:
Office Location (City/State):
Practiced from Mo/Yr:
To Mo/Yr:
Office Location (City/State):
Practiced from Mo/Yr:
To Mo/Yr:
Office Location (City/State):
Practiced from Mo/Yr:
To Mo/Yr:
Office Location (City/State):
Practiced from Mo/Yr:
To Mo/Yr:
Taught in the following law schools approved by the American Bar Association:
Law School:
Taught from Mo/Yr:
To Mo/Yr:
Law School:
Taught from Mo/Yr:
To Mo/Yr:
American LegalNet, Inc.
Served as a lawyer with the United States government or its armed forces as follows:
Branch of Military/Federal Agency:
Service from Mo/Yr:
To Mo/Yr:
Branch of Military/Federal Agency:
Service from Mo/Yr:
To Mo/Yr:
Been engaged in the practice of law as in-house counsel primarily at or from an office
in a U.S. state, other than Missouri, or territory or D.C. as follows:
Office Location (City/State):
Practiced from Mo/Yr:
To Mo/Yr:
Office Location (City/State):
Practiced from Mo/Yr:
To Mo/Yr:
Office Location (City/State):
Practiced from Mo/Yr:
To Mo/Yr:
Was any period of practice listed in your answer to F above part-time?
NOTE: To qualify under Rule 8.10, you must have been engaged full-time in the practice of
law for at least five of the ten years preceding the date your application is submitted.
All applications and files are confidential. We will not discuss the status of your application
with anyone without your authorization, including a secretary or administrative assistant who
contacts our office on your behalf. List the name and phone number of anyone with whom you
authorize us to discuss your application.
List your mailing address and daytime telephone number:
You must submit, concurrently with this application form, an Application for Character
and Fitness Report and the prescribed fee.
American LegalNet, Inc.
“I understand this Application for Admission Without Examination is a continuing application and
must state correctly and completely the information herein sought during the time said application is
pending before the Board of Law Examiners. I incorporate into this application all statements made in
the Application for Character and Fitness Report submitted concurrently herewith. No later than thirty
(30) days after the happening of an event, I will file an update to this application to notify the Board of
Law Examiners as to any change in respect to any information provided or sought in this application,
or to any incident which may have any bearing upon any information sought.
I hereby swear (or affirm) under penalty of perjury, that all statements herein were made by me and are
true and complete.”
Dated: __________
Signature of Applicant
State of
County of
) SS.
Subscribed and sworn before me, a Notary Public, within and for said county and state,
day of
My commission expires: __________
Notary Public
Affix seal or stamp
American LegalNet, Inc.