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Application For Bar Examination Form. This is a Missouri form and can be use in Supreme Court Appellate Courts.
Tags: Application For Bar Examination, Missouri Appellate Courts, Supreme Court
In the Supreme Court of Missouri
Board of Law Examiners
Full Name:
*Furnishing your Social Security Number is voluntary pursuant to the Federal Privacy Act of 1974. Your SSN wil l be used to
expedite the Board ’s investigation an d to avoid errors of ide ntity.
I request to take the Missouri bar examination in February
of 20
This is the first time I have applied to take the bar examination in Missouri.
I am seeking reinstatement under Rule 5.28 because of disbarment.
I graduated from a non-ABA approved law school in the U.S. or from a foreign law school and am
requesting permission to take the bar examination under Rule 8.07(d) or (e).
I previously filed an Application for Character and Fitness Report in
I have NOT previously filed an Application for Character and Fitness Report and submit it herewith.
NOTE: Review Rule 8.05(d) regarding the requirement to file a new and complete Application for
Character and Fitness Report every 36 months. If you are not required to submit a new and
complete Application for Character and Fitness Report, then you must submit a C&F Update
Affidavit. All applicants must submit either an Application for Character and Fitness Report or a
C&F Update Affidavit with this Application for Bar Examination.
Print, sign and mail the application forms with the prescribed application fee.
I am currently enrolled in the J.D. program at an ABA approved law school.
I have graduated with a J.D. degree from an ABA approved law school.
I have graduated with a J.D. degree from a non-ABA approved law school in the U.S.
I have graduated from a law school located outside the U.S.
I have completed at least 24 semester credit hours in residence at an ABA approved law school and
am requesting permission to apply under Rule 8.07(d)(2) or (e)(2).
ABA Approved Law School:
Non ABA Approved Law School:
Foreign Law School:
Date J.D. Degree Awarded/Expected:
Date 24 Credit Hours Completed:
Telephone numbers and email address where you can be contacted about this application:
E-mail Address:
Mailing Address:
Street Address:
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American LegalNet, Inc.
Are you currently employed?
If YES, list the following:
Employer’s Address:
Employer’s Phone Number:
Have you taken the Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam (MPRE)?
Date of MPRE Exam:
Have you requested that your MPRE score be reported to Missouri?
NOTE: Rule 8.08(b) requires applicants to provide proof of a scaled score of not less than 80 on
the MPRE. A certified score must be received by the Board no later than one year after
the date of written notification of the applicant’s successful completion of the bar
examination. To request that your MPRE score report be certified to the Missouri Board
of Law Examiners, contact: NCBE, MPRE Records Dept., PO Box 451, Iowa City, IA
52243, telephone (319) 337-1304. Include in your request your SSN and the date you took
the MPRE.
Have you previously taken the bar examination in any state other than Missouri?
If YES, list the State(s) and Date(s) (month/year):
Will you be transferring an Multistate Bar Exam (MBE) score from an examination taken in the
preceding 19 months in another state?
If YES, list the transferring state and the date (month/year) you took the examination:
Transferring State
Date of Exam
To be acceptable, (1) the transferred MBE score must have been attained within 19 months
preceding the Missouri bar exam, (2) you cannot have previously failed the Missouri bar
exam, and (3) you must have passed the entire exam in one administration in the transferring
jurisdiction. See Regulation 7 under Rule 8.08. It is your responsibility to contact the
jurisdiction in which you took the MBE to have your score transferred to Missouri.
Do you authorize the Supreme Court of Missouri and the Board of Law Examiners to release your
bar examination scores to your law school?
If YES, complete and sign the “Consent to Release Exam Scores” (page 4 of this application).
Do you have a disability for which you are requesting accommodations to take the bar exam?
If YES, you must submit a separate Petition for Testing Accommodations and all required
supporting documentation in accord with the examination filing deadline.
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American LegalNet, Inc.
Do you plan to register for the Laptop Program?
If YES, please be aware of the following conditions for participation. (This is NOT a complete list
of all conditions and requirements that apply to participation in the Laptop Program.)
A. You must download the required software to your laptop in accord with the instructions and
deadlines posted on the web at
B. You must pay a separate fee to the software vendor when you download the software.
Software fees are not refundable or transferable to a future exam.
C. You assume all risk of using your laptop to take the bar examination. No extra time or other
relief will be provided in the event of any malfunction of your computer or the software, or any
electrical or other technical difficulties.
D. You must upload your essay answers to the designated web site by no later than 10:00 p.m. on
the day of the examination. Failure to do so may result in your answers not being graded. You
must know how to connect to the Internet using your laptop - no assistance will be provided.
E. You must download the software and pay the vendor’s fee even if you have used the software
previously for law school exams or a bar examination.
F. If you mark “Yes” to this question, you will be assigned to take the examination in a laptop
room. If you subsequently change your mind about using your laptop, you must notify our office
so that we will prepare booklets for you to hand write your answers in a laptop room.
G. You must agree that you will not hold the Board, its officers, members, employees, or
contractors liable or responsible for any damages arising from use of the software or
participation in the laptop program, including without limitation any loss of exam time or loss of
exam answers or any effect it might have on the outcome of the examination.
If you answered “Yes” to Question 8, do you acknowledge and agree to the conditions set out in
paragraphs A-G?
I certify that I am taking the Missouri bar examination for the sole purpose of seeking admission to the
bar. I will not share any of the content of the Multistate Bar Examination with any individual,
organization, or agency.
I hereby swear (or affirm) under penalty of perjury that all statements contained herein are true.
Signature of Applicant
Subscribed and sworn to before me this ______day of______________________, 20___.
(Seal or stamp must be affixed)
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Notary Public
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American LegalNet, Inc.
Consent to Release Exam Scores
I hereby authorize the Supreme Court of Missouri and the Board of Law Examiners to release my bar
examination scores to the proper officials at the law school listed below from which I graduated.
Signature of Applicant
Please Type:
Applicant Name
Law School
Exam Date
American LegalNet, Inc.