Application For Certificate To Practice Temporarily For Lawyers Applying For Admission To The Missouri Bar
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Application For Certificate To Practice Temporarily For Lawyers Applying For Admission To The Missouri Bar Form. This is a Missouri form and can be use in Supreme Court Appellate Courts.
Tags: Application For Certificate To Practice Temporarily For Lawyers Applying For Admission To The Missouri Bar, Missouri Appellate Courts, Supreme Court
Application for Certificate to Practice Temporarily
for Lawyers Applying for Admission to The Missouri Bar
declare under penalty of perjury:
that I have applied for admission to practice law in Missouri under Rule 8.07, Rule 8.10 or Rule
that I have not previously failed the Missouri bar examination;
that I am an active member in good standing of the highest court of a state or territory of the
United States;
that I am not under suspension or disbarment by any court of record or the subject of any pending
disciplinary complaints;
that I am not ineligible for admission under Rule 8.04;
that I will be supervised as provided in Rule 4-5.1 by the active Missouri licensed attorney whose
name and bar enrollment number are shown below:
Supervisi ng Attorne y’s Name
MO Bar #
that attached to this application is a statement from the supervising lawyer agreeing to the
specified supervision;
that I understand this application for a certificate to practice law in this state temporarily must be
approved by the Court;
that if I am issued a certificate to practice law in this state temporarily, it will be valid for 12
months from the date it is issued, unless revoked before the expiration of 12 months;
(10) that the certificate shall be revoked immediately without further action by the Court if I
(1) Fail the bar examination,
(2) Fail to take the bar examination when eligible to do so,
(3) Am denied permission to take the bar examination or denied approval on character and fitness
(4) Am denied admission without examination or limited admission as in-house counsel and am
not permitted to take the bar examination in lieu thereof;
(5) No long meet the qualifications prescribed in Rule 8.06(a);
(11) that I have thoroughly familiarized myself with and will abide by Supreme Court Rule 4, Rules of
Professional Conduct;
American LegalNet, Inc.
(12) that I acknowledge the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of Missouri and Chief Disciplinary
Counsel over my professional conduct.
I hereby swear (or affirm) under penalty of perjury, that all statements herein were made by me
and are true and complete.
Dated this ___________ day of _______________________________ 20 __________.
Signature of Applicant
Subscribed and sworn to before me this _________ day of _________________________ 20______.
Notary Public
[Seal or stamp must be affixed]
American LegalNet, Inc.
In the Application of:
(Applicant’s Name and Social Security Number)
(Supervising Attorney’s Full Name)
Missouri Bar N umber)
I state that I am an active member in good standing of the Missouri Bar.
If the above-named applicant is granted a certificate to practice law in Missouri temporarily pursuant to
Rule 8.06, I agree to exercise supervisory responsibility for the applicant as provided in Rule 4-5.1
during the period that the certificate is valid.
Signature of Supervising Attorney
Street Address
City, State, Zip
Daytime Telephone
(List Above Supervising Attorney’s Business Address and Daytime Telephone Number)
American LegalNet, Inc.