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Application To Participate In The Legal Assistance By Law Students Form. This is a Missouri form and can be use in Supreme Court Appellate Courts.
Tags: Application To Participate In The Legal Assistance By Law Students, Missouri Appellate Courts, Supreme Court
In the Supreme Court of Missouri
Pursuant to Rule 13
In the Matter of:
(Student’s Full Name)
(Social Security Number)
Petition of Law Student Applicant
I am presently enrolled as a student at
, a law
school accredited by the American Bar Association, and I have completed legal studies amounting to
one-half of the credits required for graduation. I anticipate that I will complete my J.D. degree in
I have read and fully understand the provisions of Supreme Court Rule 13 and hereby pledge to
abide by the aforementioned rule.
I have read and thoroughly familiarized myself with Supreme Court Rule 4, Rules of
Professional Conduct, and will abide by the aforementioned rule.
(Law Student Applicant’s Signature)
Law School Dean’s Certification
As Dean or other authorized official of
certify that
standing at this institution.
is enrolled as a law student in good
I certify that the student has not been accused or found guilty of violating the law school’s
ethical standards.
I certify that I do not have knowledge or notice of any information that would cause me to doubt
the student’s character, fitness, or moral qualifications to practice law.
I certify that to my knowledge, the student has not been denied registration as a law student, or
any similar application, in any jurisdiction on the basis of the student’s character and fitness, or, if so
denied, the denial has been resolved in the student’s favor.
(Signature of Dean or Authorized Official)
Type or Print Dean’s Name:
Dean’s Telephone Number:
Rule 13 Application eff. 7-1-2009
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American LegalNet, Inc.
Supervising Attorney’s Name
Missouri Bar Number
I state that I am a member in good standing of The Missouri Bar. I assume a professional responsibility
for guiding any work undertaken by
pursuant to
the student’s certification under Rule 13 and for supervising the quality thereof.
I have reviewed Supreme Court Rules 13.01 and 13.04 regarding activities in which a Rule 13 certified
student may engage. By signing this certificate I acknowledge that I understand that Rules 13.01
and 13.04 authorize the following activities:
An eligible student may appear in any court or before any administrative tribunal in this State on
behalf of any person who is:
(1) Indigent, or
(2) A client represented by a clinic chartered by an ABA approved law school,
if the person on whose behalf the student is appearing consents in writing and the supervising
lawyer approves in writing. The supervising attorney must be personally present throughout the
proceedings if the matter is one in which the person has the right to the assignment of counsel.
With the written approval of the supervising lawyer, an eligible student also may appear in any
matter on behalf of:
(1) the State; or
(2) a county or municipality for purposes of prosecuting a municipal ordinance violation.
An eligible student may engage in preparation of pleadings and other documents to be filed in
any matter in which the student is eligible to appear, but such pleadings or documents must be
signed by the supervising lawyer.
An eligible student may engage in preparation of briefs, abstracts and other documents to be
filed in appellate courts, but such documents must be approved by the supervising lawyer.
An eligible student may engage in assistance to indigent inmates of correctional institutions or
other persons who request such assistance in preparing applications for and supporting
documents for post-conviction relief. The attorney of record in the matter, if any, must supervise
all such assistance and sign all documents submitted to the Court on behalf of such a client.
An eligible student may participate in oral argument in appellate courts but only in the presence
of the supervising lawyer.
(Signature of Supervising Attorney)
Attorney’s business address:
Firm or Entity:
Street or PO Box:
City, State & Zip:
Daytime telephone number:
E-mail address:
Rule 13 Application eff. 7-1-2009
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American LegalNet, Inc.