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MOW 3022-1 (05/07) IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF MISSOURI IN RE: Debtor(s). ) ) ) Case No. CHAPTER 11 FINAL REPORT AND APPLICATION FOR FINAL DECREE Comes now the reorganized debtor, _____________________________, by its attorney, and submits that the plan of reorganization confirmed herein has been substantially consummated and makes application for a final decree, pursuant to the provisions of Rule 3022, Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure. 1. An order of confirmation was entered in this case on ___________________. 2. That all or substantially all of the property proposed by the plan to be transferred has been transferred. 3. Debtor or the successor to the debtor under the plan has assumed the business or has assumed the management of all or substantially all of the property dealt with by the plan. 4. Distribution under the plan has commenced. 5. The following adversary proceedings are being prosecuted: 6. Since confirmation, the reorganized debtor has made total disbursements to persons or entities, including plan creditors, for claims and expenses, in the sum of $______________, and will pay to the United States Trustee contemporaneous with the filing of this application, the sum of $_______________ as quarterly fees due under the provisions of Section 1930(a)(6), Title 28 U.S.C. 7. There are no other facts which must be brought to the Court's attention to enable it to rule this application other than as presented herein. WHEREFORE the reorganized debtor herein prays for the entry of the Final Decree pursuant to B.R. 3022, finding that the estate has been fully administered and that the plan has been substantially consummated and, therefore, pray for an order of this Court ordering, as appropriate: 1. Discharge of the debtor-in-possession or trustee and surety; 2. Any specific injunction or other equitable provisions as requested herein; and 3. The closing of the case. DATED: _________________ ____________________________________ Debtor's Attorney/Attorney for Trustee ____________________________________ ____________________________________ CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing was served this ______ day of _____________, 20__, upon the United States Trustee, 400 East Ninth Street, Room 3440, Kansas City MO 64106. ____________________________________ Instructions: File as a separate document after estate is fully administered. ECF Event: Bankruptcy>Motions/Applications/Requests>Final Decree & Ch 11 Final Report American LegalNet, Inc.