Motion For Order To Post
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Motion For Order To Post Form. This is a Missouri form and can be use in 16th Circuit (Jackson County) Local Circuit Courts.
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Tags: Motion For Order To Post, 4159, Missouri Local Circuit Courts, 16th Circuit (Jackson County)
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF JACKSON COUNTY, MISSOURI ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT DIVISION AT KANSAS CITY AT INDEPENDENCE ______________________________________________ PLAINTIFF CASE NO _______________ vs. DIVISION ________________ _______________________________________________ DEFENDANT MOTION FOR ORDER TO POST Pursuant to Section 535.030 R.S.MO., Plaintiff requests that the Court enter an order directing that process be served in the within case by posting a copy of the complaint and a copy of the alias summons issued or to be issued herein, in accordance with law. summons _____________________________________________ Plaintiff ______________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________ City State Zip ORDER FOR POSTING Upon Plaintiff's Motion, it is ordered that process be served in the within case by affixing a copy of the complaint and a copy of said summons in a conspicuous place on the dwelling of the premises in question for at least ten (10) days before the return date, informing the Defendant(s) of the proceeding against him. It is further ordered that a copy of the complaint and said summons be mailed to Defendant(s) at his lastknown address by ordinary mail at least ten (10) days before the return date. __________________________________ ______________________________________________ Date Deputy Court Administrator CIRCT 4159 Landlord-Tenant American LegalNet, Inc.