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Exhibit C Consent To Appointment Form. This is a Missouri form and can be use in 16th Circuit (Jackson County) Local Circuit Courts.
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Tags: Exhibit C Consent To Appointment, 10194, Missouri Local Circuit Courts, 16th Circuit (Jackson County)
IN RE NO. EXHIBIT C CONSENT TO APPOINTMENT The undersigned hereby consents to serve as guardian and/or conservator of the above named respondentif appointed by the court and in support thereof states: 1. The undersigned has never pled guilty to nor been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony. 2. The undersigneds spouse is . 3. The undersigned resides at: Telephone No.: 4. The name and address of undersigneds employer is 5. The following listed persons will know the whereabouts of the undersigned: Name: Address: Name: Name: Address: Name: Address: 6. The undersigneds Social Security Number is: . 7. The undersigned has read and understands the Information for Guardians and Conservators as setout on the reverse side of this statement, and acknowledges receipt of a copy thereof. The undersigned swears that the matters set forth are true and correct to the best knowledge and belief ofthe undersigned, subject to the penalties of making a false affidavit or declaration. Dated: . Page 1 of 2>>>> 2 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF JACKSON COUNTY, MISSOURI - PROBATE DIVISION INFORMATION FOR GUARDIANS AND CONSERVATORS To help you perform your duties properly, described below are the general duties and obligations ofa guardian and conservator. 1. If you have been appointed guardian, you have charge of the respondents person and respondentis known as a ward. If you have been appointed conservator, you have charge of the respondents propertyand respondent is known as a protectee. If you have been appointed both guardian and conservator you havecharge of both respondents person and property and respondent is known as both a ward and protectee. Yourauthority as guardian and conservator may be limited by the order appointing you. Consult your attorney asto the extent of your authority. 2. As guardian, you have the duty to take charge of the person of the ward and to provide for thewards care, treatment, habilitation, education, support and maintenance; and the powers and duties shallinclude (a) assuring that the ward resides in the best and least restrictive setting reasonably available; (b)assuring that the ward receives medical care and other services that are needed; promoting and protectingthe care, comfort, safety, health, and welfare of the ward; and (d) providing required consents on behalf ofthe ward. You will be required to file a personal status report annually concerning the care, welfare, andplacement of your ward. 3. As conservator, you must take possession of your protectees property to the extent authorized bythe court. The property, income and bank accounts should be kept separate from your own funds in your nameas conservator for the protectee. You must invest the protectees funds according to law and you arepersonally liable for imprudent or unauthorized investments. You may only spend the protectees funds forpurposes authorized by statute or court order. You may apply for an order of continuing support andmaintenance authorizing you to spend a budgeted sum each month for the protectee. You will be required tofile an annual accounting (called a settlement) showing in detail all receipts and expenditures occurring duringthe preceding year. Each entry must be explained and each expenditure must be authorized by statute or courtorder. You may not sell, trade, lease, mortgage, transfer or discard your protectees property without courtapproval, even though the protectee is your child or other relative. 4. In the event the ward or protectee dies or you or the ward or protectee move from one address toanother, you have a duty to notify the court in writing of such death or new address as soon as possible. 5. If you fail to perform any of your duties as guardian or conservator, you are liable to be removedfrom office and be held personally liable for any loss or damage sustained by the ward or protectee by reasonof your failure. You are under a duty, at all times, to act in the best interests of your ward-protectee and toavoid conflicts of interest which impair your ability so to act. 6. In certain cases, expenses of bond and other costs may be saved by plunds in restrictedacing fdeposits and/or securing waiver of filing the annual settlement. Consult your attorney. 7. With court approval, a conservator may use the protectees funds to pay for your attorneysservices. If only limited funds or public assistance (SSI) is available, you may qualify for free legal aid. 8. Under Missouri law, no conservator who is not a licensed attorney, can represent theprotectees estate in connection with court proceedings whether appearing in court or in preparingpleadings to be filed with the court. You must retain an attorney to perform those legal servicesrequired of you. On order of the court, the attorney may be paid compensation for services reasonablynecessary from the protectees estate. _____________________ _______________________________ Date SignatureForm 10194 Page 2 of 2