Final Settlement Approved - Finding And Judgment Of Heirship Succession And Distribution
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Final Settlement Approved - Finding And Judgment Of Heirship Succession And Distribution Form. This is a Missouri form and can be use in 16th Circuit (Jackson County) Local Circuit Courts.
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Tags: Final Settlement Approved - Finding And Judgment Of Heirship Succession And Distribution, 10586, Missouri Local Circuit Courts, 16th Circuit (Jackson County)
1IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF JACKSON COUNTY, MISSOURI - PROBATE DIVISION AT IN THE ESTATE OF ESTATE NUMBER Deceased. FINAL SETTLEMENT APPROVED; FINDING AND JUDGMENT OF HEIRSHIP SUCCESSION AND DISTRIBUTION Intestate Estate, Real and Personal Property (Sec. 473.583 and 473.617, RSMO) On this date the court takes up the final settlement and petition for distribution and determination of heirship and rights of succession of the personal representative and finds that deceased died domiciled in and a resident of Jackson County, Missouri; that due and timely notice of the filing of said settlement and petition was given according to law, and proof thereof filed herein; that due and timely notice, by publication and ordinary mail, of the granting of letters on said estate was given according to law, and proof thereof filed within ten days after the completion of such publication; and that no objections to said settlement or petition have been filed and the time allowed therefor has expired. The court finds that said estate is in a condition to be closed; that all allowed claims have been paid (note exceptions, if any) and that said settlement has been audited and the balance shown thereon, consisting of $ is cash and other personal property valued at $ is correct. It is, therefore, ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that the settlement is hereby approved; that all orders of partial distribution, if any, heretofore made, are hereby confirmed. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the successors to the descendible interest of the decedent in the following described real property (do not include property sold, conveyed by court order or under power in will): American LegalNet, Inc. Form 10586 7/24/96 and the extent and character of their undivided interests therein, as of said date of death, and the balance of cash and other personal property as shown on said settlement be distributed among said heirs as follows: Heir Relationship Interest Cash Other Personal Property IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that said personal representative file herein receipts indicating compliance with this order and thereafter petition for discharge. Dated: Judge Commissioner American LegalNet, Inc.