Notice Of Filing Of Final Settlement And Petition For Distribution Download Free Print-Only PDF OR Purchase Interactive PDF Version of this Form
Notice Of Filing Of Final Settlement And Petition For Distribution Form. This is a Missouri form and can be use in 16th Circuit (Jackson County) Local Circuit Courts.
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Tags: Notice Of Filing Of Final Settlement And Petition For Distribution, 10197, Missouri Local Circuit Courts, 16th Circuit (Jackson County)
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF JACKSON COUNTY, MISSOURI - PROBATE DIVISION AT IN THE ESTATE OF ESTATE NUMBER , Protectee Now Deceased. NOTICE OF FILING OF FINAL SETTLEMENT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION (Sec. 475.320, RSMO) TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE ESTATE OF , Protectee Now Deceased.Notice is hereby given that a final settlement and petition for determination of the persons who are successors in interest to the personal and real property of the decedent and of the extent and character of their interests therein and for distribution of such property will be filed in the Probate Division of the Circuit Court of Jackson County, Missouri at by the undersigned on or as continued by the court and that any objections or exceptions to such settlement or petition or any item thereof must be in writing and filed within twenty days after the filing of such settlement. Conservator: Address: / zipTelephone Number: ( ) . Attorney: MO B AR No Address: / zipTelephone Number: ( ) Fax Number: ( ) E-Mail Address: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF JACKSON COUNTY, MISSOURI - PROBATE DIVISION AT IN THE ESTATE OF ESTATE NUMBER Form 10197 Page1o f2 7/29/96>>>> 2 , Protectee Now Deceased PROOF OF MAILING OF COPY OF NOTICE OF FILING OF FINAL SETTLEMENT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION (Sec. 475.320, RSMO) The undersigned states that a copy of the Notice of Filing of Final Settlement and Petition for Distribution was mailed by the undersigned, by ordinary mail, according to law, to (attach additional sheetsif necessary) on . The undersigned swears that the matters set forth above are true and correct to the best knowledge andbelief of the undersigned, subject to the penalties of making a false affidavit or declaration. Dated: . Conservator Form 10197 Page2o f2 7/29/96