Agreement Of Depository For Deposit Of Funds In Restricted Account
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Agreement Of Depository For Deposit Of Funds In Restricted Account Form. This is a Missouri form and can be use in 21st Circuit (St. Louis County) Local Circuit Courts.
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Tags: Agreement Of Depository For Deposit Of Funds In Restricted Account, CCRP024, Missouri Local Circuit Courts, 21st Circuit (St. Louis County)
IN THE PROBATE DIVISION, CIRCUIT COURT, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI In the Matter of: _______________________________________________ Minor No. __________________________ AGREEMENT OF DEPOSITORY FOR DEPOSIT OF FUNDS IN RESTRICTED ACCOUNT (DISPENSING WITH CONSERVATORSHIP) Name of Institution: _______________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________ Depositor: _________________________________________ Savings Account No.: _______________________________ Certificate of Deposit No.: ___________________________ Deposit $ _____________________ Deposit $ _____________________ In consideration of deposit with undersigned of money in the above amount, in accordance with a court order dispensing with conservatorship, the undersigned hereby certifies and agrees: 1. That the above amount is now on deposit in this institution as evidenced by the attached letter. 2. That we have been advised that pursuant to an Order of the Probate Division of the Circuit Court of St. Louis County, Missouri, the deposit as indicated above and all additions resulting from any interest, dividends or other income, may not be withdrawn, paid, redeemed, transferred, negotiated or liquidated except upon presentation of a certified copy of an Order of the above named court authorizing and approving such transaction or upon presentation of proof by the minor that he or she has attained the age of majority. 3. That all records pertaining to the above described deposit have been marked so that all interest, dividends or other income earned on it may not be withdrawn, paid, redeemed, transferred, negotiated or liquidated without approval from the Probate Division, Circuit Court, St. Louis County, Missouri, and the necessary administrative steps have been taken to prevent such activity. Dated this ____________ day of ____________________________________, ____________. ______________________________________________ Name of Institution By: ___________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Title THIS AGREEMENT MUST BE ATTACHED TO A VERIFICATION OF DOLLAR AMOUNT ON THE LETTERHEAD OF THE FINANCIAL INSTITUTION AND BE SIGNED BY AN OFFICER OF SAID INSTITUTION. For Court's Use Only: CCPR024 Rev. 09/2013 KADEF Agreement of Depository Filed American LegalNet, Inc.