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IN THE 21ST JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COURT, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI Judge or Division: PROBATE In the Estate of Case Number: , Deceased. (Date File Stamp) Application to Amend Order Refusing Letters (Surviving Spouse/Unmarried Minor Child(ren)/Creditor) Applicant, surviving spouse on behalf of unmarried minor child(ren) creditor of the decedent, first being duly sworn, states that on an order(s) of this court was entered refusing letters on the estate of said decedent, which estate was then represented by applicant to consist of property of value described in the previous order(s). Applicant further states that thereafter additional assets of said estate were discovered consisting of: Description of Property Value See Appendix A. Total $ (for spouses and unmarried minors) The total value of all property, including property described in the previous order(s), less liens and encumbrances, is not greater in amount than that to which the applicant, as surviving spouse and/or the unmarried minor child(ren) of decedent is(are) entitled by law as exempt property and the allowance under Section 474.260, RSMo. (for creditors) The entire estate of decedent does not exceed the value of $15,000.00. Wherefore, applicant prays the court to amend its previous order(s) refusing letters on said estate by listing and including therein the said assets discovered after the entry thereof. The applicant swears that the matters set forth above are true and correct to the best knowledge and belief of the applicant, subject to the penalties of making a false affidavit or declaration. Date: ______________________________________ Signature of Attorney for Applicant _________________________________ Signature of Applicant _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ (Name/Bar Number/Address/Telephone) _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ (Name/Address/Telephone) For Court's Use Only: KASRL - Amended KACRL - Amended KAMRL - Amended American LegalNet, Inc. Appendix A Decedent: Case Number: Description of Property Real Property (spouse and minor only) Value Personal Property TOTAL: $ American LegalNet, Inc.