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Alias-Pluries Summons Form. This is a Missouri form and can be use in 22nd Circuit (St. Louis City) Local Circuit Courts.
Tags: Alias-Pluries Summons, Missouri Local Circuit Courts, 22nd Circuit (St. Louis City)
STATE OF MISSOURI CITY OF ST. LOUIS } SS. MISSOURI CIRCUIT COURT TWENTY-SECOND JUDICIAL COURT (ST. LOUIS CITY) CAUSE NO. Plaintiff(s)/Petitioner(s) vs. DIVISION NO. Defendant(s)/Respondent(s) ALIAS/PLURIES SUMMONS THE STATE OF MISSOURI, TO THE SHERIFF OF THE CITY OF ST. LOUIS OR OTHER PERSON PROVIDED BY LAW, GREETINGS: We command you to summon Defendant whose address is to appear before the Circuit Court of the City of St. Louis, Division No. Tucker and Market Streets, in St. Louis, Missouri, on the day of , in the Civil Courts Building, located at , to answer Complaint/Petition of the above named Plaintiff(s). The nature of this suit concerns the following: and the Plaintiff(s) is/are demanding the sum of $ and court costs. Dollars plus interest, attorney fees, late charges, Each Defendant is hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer at the time and place stated in this Summons, judgment by default will be taken against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint/Petition. If you do not pay the judgment, a portion of your wages may be garnished and certain of your property may be sold in order to raise the money necessary to pay the judgment. WITNESS, M. JANE SCHWEITZER, CLERK of said Court with the Seal thereof affixed, at St. Louis, Missouri, this day of . M. Jane Schweitzer CIRCUIT CLERK BY____________________________________________________ DEPUTY CIRCUIT CLERK American LegalNet, Inc. RETURN ON SERVICE OF SUMMONS I hereby certify that I have served the within summons: (1) By delivering on the ___________day of ________________________, ________ a copy of the summons with a copy of the complaint annexed to the within-named Defendant, ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ (2) By leaving on the _________day of ________________________, _______________ for the within-named Defendant ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ a copy of the Summons at the respective dwelling place or usual place of abode of said defendant with some person of his or her family over the age of 15 years: (3) By___________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ all done in _______________________________________ County, Missouri. Sheriff's Fees: Summons...........$ _______________ Sheriff of _____________________________ County, Missouri. Non est............. $ ________________ Mileage...........$ ________________ By_____________________________________________ Total................$ ________________ Deputy Sheriff NO.______________________ DIV.______________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ SUMMONS _______________________________________ _______________________________________ IN THE CASE OF ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Plaintiff________________ Vs _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Defendant_______________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ In The Missouri Circuit Court Twenty-Second Judicial Circuit (St. Louis City) American LegalNet, Inc.