Bad Check Probable Cause Statement
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Bad Check Probable Cause Statement Form. This is a Missouri form and can be use in 31st Circuit (Greene County) Local Circuit Courts.
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Tags: Bad Check Probable Cause Statement, Missouri Local Circuit Courts, 31st Circuit (Greene County)
I________________________________, upon my oath and under penalties of perjury, state as
(Person filling out form)
1. I have probable cause to believe that_________________________committed one or
(Person who signed check)
more criminal offenses.
2. The facts supporting this belief are as follows:
_________________________________(Name on Check) wrote, made, passed (Circle one)
check number_______, drawn on____________________(Name of Bank), payable
to______________________________, in the amount of _______________________. This
occurred in Greene County, Missouri.
This check was returned from the bank unpaid, marked________________________(Reason for
non-payment) and has not been paid at this time.
I, knowing that false statements on this form are punishable by law, hereby affirm that the above
information is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.
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