Application For Registration Of A Foreign Limited Partnership In Missouri
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Application For Registration Of A Foreign Limited Partnership In Missouri Form. This is a Missouri form and can be use in Partnership Secretary Of State.
Tags: Application For Registration Of A Foreign Limited Partnership In Missouri, LP 42, Missouri Secretary Of State, Partnership
State of Missouri Corporations Division PO Box 778 / 600 W. Main St., Rm. 322 Jefferson City, MO 65102 John R. Ashcroft, Secretary of State 1. The name of the foreign limited partnership is Application for Registration Of a Foreign Limited Partnership in Missouri (Submit with filing fee of $105.00) 2. If different from the name listed above, the name under which the foreign limited partnership will transact business in Missouri is (must include "L.P.", "LP", or "limited partnership" in name): 3. The limited partnership was formed in the state or jurisdiction of and is to dissolve on month/day/year, event, or perpetual 4. The name and address of the limited partnership's registered agent in Missouri is (this line must be completed): Name Street Address: May not use PO Box unless street address also provided City/State/Zip The Secretary of State is appointed agent for service of process if the foreign limited partnership fails to maintain a registered agent. . on the date of , 5. The address of the office required to be maintained in the state of its organization by the laws of that state or, if none required, the address of the principal office of the foreign limited partnership: 6. List all general partners (with business addresses): Name Street Address: May not use PO Box unless street address also provided City/State/Zip 7. The address of the office at which a list of the names and addresses and capital contributions of limited partners is kept: Name Street Address: May not use PO Box unless street address also provided (Please see next page) Name Street Address: May not use PO Box unless street address also provided City/State/Zip City/State/Zip Name and address to return filed document: Name: Address: City, State, and Zip Code: LP-42 (01/2017) American LegalNet, Inc. 8. The application shall include a certificate of existence or document of similar import duly authenticated by the official having custody of the records in the state or country where it is registered. Such document should be dated within 60 calendar days of filing this application. In Affirmation thereof, the facts stated above are true and correct: (The undersigned understands that false statements made in this filing are subject to the penalties provided under Section 575.040, RSMo) General Partner Signature Printed Name Date LP-42 (01/2017) American LegalNet, Inc.