General Affidavit Of Qualifications (Attorney-In-Fact)
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General Affidavit Of Qualifications (Attorney-In-Fact) Form. This is a Missouri form and can be use in Circuit Court Statewide.
Tags: General Affidavit Of Qualifications (Attorney-In-Fact), CR80, Missouri Statewide, Circuit Court
Judge or Division:
Case Number:
Affiant: (Name and Address)
Corporation/Surety: (Name and Address)
(Date File Stamp)
General Affidavit of Qualifications
I, as attorney-in-fact for the above noted corporation/surety, a corporation licensed to transact the business of
suretyship in the State of Missouri, being desirous from time to time of signing various bail bonds in this court during the
month next following the filing of this affidavit and attached questionnaire upon my oath state that I have read and
answered each of the questions and that the answers are true, and that I have made the same for the purpose of establishing
my qualification to sign bonds as attorney-in-fact. I have in addition to signing and swearing to this affidavit, signed my
name at the end of the attached questionnaire for the purpose of identification and to guarantee the genuineness and
truthfulness of the information provided.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
Clerk/Deputy Clerk
General Affidavit Questionnaire Must be Attached
OSCA (3-95) CR80
1 of 1
Rules 33.17, 33.20
American LegalNet, Inc.