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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF _________________________, MISSOURI (County where court is located) In re the Marriage of _________________ _____________ ____________________ (First) (Middle) (Last) Petitioner, (Your full name should be entered here) _________ (Jr./Sr./III) Case No. ____________ (Will be assigned when case is filed) -andDivision No. ____________ _________________ _____________ ____________________ (First) (Middle) (Last) Respondent. (Enter your spouse's full name here) _________ (Jr./Sr./III) (Will be assigned when case is filed) Petition for Dissolution of Marriage 1. How many petitions have you filed in this case? This is the first petition I have filed in this case. (Original Petition) This is the second petition I have filed in this case. This is the third petition I have filed in this case. 2. Are you the Husband or the Wife? I am the Wife. I am the Husband. 3. What is your mailing address? If you change addresses, make sure to tell the court in writing your new address. Throughout this entire case, you will always be the "Petitioner" and your husband or wife will always be the "Respondent". Your husband or wife is also referred to as your "spouse". _________________________________________________________ (Street) _________________________ (City) _________________________ (Telephone Number) __________________ (State) ___________ (Zip) This is the address that the court will use to send information concerning your case to you. This address is not necessarily the same as the address at which you reside. Even if you do not wish to disclose the address at which you reside, you MUST still provide the court with a mailing address. _____________________________ (E-Mail Address) The last four digits of your social security number are required by �452.312, RSM0. 4. What are the last four numbers of your social security number? XXX-XX- _____________ 5. What is your spouse's mailing address? _________________________________________________________ (Street) _________________________ (City) _________________________ (Telephone Number) __________________ (State) ___________ (Zip) This is the address that the court will use to send information concerning your case to your spouse. If you do not know your spouse's current address, you should enter the last known address of your husband or wife. _____________________________ (E-Mail Address) The last four digits of your spouse's social security number are required by �452.312, RSMo. Do not leave this field blank. If you do not know your spouse's social security number, enter "Unknown" in this field. 6. What are the last four numbers of your spouse's social security number? XXX-XX- _____________ Petition for Dissolution of Marriage � Page 1 of 12 Form CAFC001-07/01/2012 This form is available for free at American LegalNet, Inc. ONE and only ONE box should be checked on this page. 7. DIRECTIONS FOR SERVICE ON RESPONDENT How will your spouse receive legal notice of this proceeding? Respondent has signed a verified "Answer to Petition for Dissolution of Marriage" which is being filed with the "Petition for Dissolution of Marriage." Therefore, do not issue a summons. Respondent has signed a verified "Waiver of Service and Entry of Appearance" which is being filed with the "Petition for Dissolution of Marriage." Therefore, do not issue a summons. Respondent will voluntarily enter his/her appearance in this case and therefore summons should be issued but held in the Sheriff's office for this County. If a verified "Waiver of Service and Entry of Appearance" is not filed within thirty (30) days, this case may be dismissed without further notice to Petitioner. Summons should be served upon Respondent at his/her residence: ________________________________________________________ (Street) _________________________ (City) __________________ (State) ___________ (Zip) Before your case can proceed, your spouse must be given notice that you have filed this case. This notice can be given in one of the methods described on this page. If you check this box, you must file the "Answer to Petition for Dissolution of Marriage" at the same time you file this petition. The "Answer" must be signed by your spouse in front of a notary public. If your spouse signs a "Waiver of Service and Entry of Appearance," he or she has 30 days in which to file an answer to the petition. The "Waiver of Service and Entry of Appearance" must be signed by your spouse in front of a notary public. Your spouse can either sign an answer or waiver within 30 days, or your spouse can pick up a copy of the papers in the sheriff's office for this county within 30 days. If you select this option, the clerk will issue a summons, which will be "held" in the sheriff's office. Respondent may be served either at his/her place of employment or at his/her home. You should check the appropriate box. Your spouse must be served within 30 days of the issuance of the summons. Summons should be served upon Respondent at his/her place of employment: _________________________________________ (Employer's Name - if applicable) __________________ (Hours of Employment) IF YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE YOUR SPOUSE SERVED, YOU MUST FILE ANOTHER COPY OF ALL YOUR DOCUMENTS IN THIS CASE TO BE SERVED ON YOUR SPOUSE. ________________________________________________________ (Street) _________________________ (City) __________________ (State) ___________ (Zip) Service by registered mail is only available if your spouse resides outside the State of Missouri. If you have service by mail, you are not entitled to obtain any kind of money judgment against your spouse for such things as child support or maintenance. You can only obtain service by publication if the whereabouts of your spouse are unknown and you cannot locate him or her by making all reasonable attempts to find out where he or she can be served. If you have service by publication, you are not entitled to obtain any kind of money judgment against your spouse for such things as child support or maintenance. This option should only be utilized as a last resort. Respondent cannot be served in Missouri. Therefore, service by registered mail is requested. A copy of the "Affidavit for Service by Mail" is attached to this form. See Missouri Supreme Court Rule 54.12(b) The whereabouts of Respondent are unknown and there is no way of contacting him or her. I have attempted to locate the Respondent and have been unable to d