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Answer to Motion to Modify Child Support Page 1 of 4 Form CAFC112-R 07/01/2019 This form is available for free at IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF , MISSOURI (County where court is located. City of Saint Louis is considered a county.) Case (First Name) (Middle Name) (Last Name) (Jr./Sr./III)Number Petitioner, (Enter full legal name of the person who filed the original petition) (Use number on Motion) v. Division (First Name) (Middle Name) (Last Name) (Jr./Sr./III) Number Respondent. (Enter full legal name of the person who responded to theoriginal petition) Answer toMotion to ModifyChild Support 1.My name is:(First Name) (MiddleName)(LastName)(Jr./Sr./III) 2.Iunderstand thatbyvoluntarilyentering myappearanceand filing thispleading,Iamsubjecting myselfto the jurisdictionofthiscourt,andthe courtmayentersuchordersandjudgmentsasare authorized bylaw,including ordersawarding child support.To askthe courtto change bothcustodyand child support,seetheMotionto ModifyChild Custodyand Support.3.Iadmitastrue everythingthe otherparent statedinthe Motionto ModifyChild Supportand incorporate allofthose allegationshereinexceptthe following:Any statement not specifically denied will be deemed admitted and you may not have the opportunity to disagree with this statementwhen the case is presented to the court. 4.Checkone ofthetwoboxes. Iagree withthechangesin supportrequested in theMotion.Idisagree with thechangesin supportrequested in theMotion.(Checkoneofthe two boxes)I want the court to maintain the support orders currently in place. I do not agree with the Form 14 filed by the other parent with their Motion and the child support amount requested in their Motion. I have prepared a Form 14 attached to this Answer as Exhibit . I want the court to order support in the amount contained in the Form 14 attached to this Answer as Exhibit . Unless you file your own motion to modify, the court may not be able to take any requests you may have for changes in the support orders into consideration. American LegalNet, Inc. Answer to Motion to Modify Child Support Page 2 of 4 Form CAFC112-R 07/01/2019 This form is available for free at . 5.My mailing address is: (Street) The address you provide is the address at which you will receive all mail from the court and the other parent regardingthis case. If you move during the time this case is pending, you must send a letter to the court notifying it of your newaddress. This address is not necessarily the same as the address at which you live. If you do not wish to give theaddress at which you live, you must still give the court and the other parent a mailing address. Because court actionsare a matter of public record, the address you list will be available to the public.(City) (State) (Zip) (Telephone Number with Area Code) (E-mail Address - Optional) 6.The last four numbers of my social security number are: XXX-XX-7.Check one of the three boxes. Iamnotonactive dutyin the armedservicesofthe UnitedStatesofAmerica. Iamonactive dutyin the armedservicesofthe UnitedStatesofAmerica,butwaive myrightspursuantto the ServicemembersCivilReliefActof2003.Iamonactive dutyin the armedservicesofthe UnitedStatesofAmerica andIdo notwaive myrightspursuanttotheServicemembersCivilReliefActof2003. 8.Do anyofthe childrencurrentlyreceive TemporaryAssistance forNeedyFamilies(TANF)benefitsthroughthe FamilySupportDivision,orhave theyreceivedTANFbenefitsinthe past?(Checkoneofthe twoboxes) Yes No Proof of Service on Other Parties Youmustsend(serve)a copyofthisdocumentto eachoftheotherparties,ortheirattorney(s).To obtainservice,youmaydeliverthe documentbyhand;senditbyFirstClassU.S.mail,e-mailorfacsimile (fax);orleave itatthe office ofthe party222s attorneyto be servedwitha clerk,receptionistoranattorneyassociatedwith theattorneyto be served. Icertify,underoath thaton (date) I have sent/given a copy of this Answer to Motionto ModifyChild Supportto eachofthe followingpartiesatthe addressshown: Name Address: U.S. mail/e-mail/fax number American LegalNet, Inc. Answer to Motion to Modify Child Support Page 3 of 4 Form CAFC112-R 07/01/2019 This form is available for free at Sign Below in the Presence of a Notary Public , of lawful age, being duly sworn on his or her oath, states that he or she is the person named above and that the facts stated in the Answer to Motion to Modify Child Support are true according to his or her best knowledge, information and belief. (Sign above in the presence of a Notary Public) (Print your name above) The following information must be completed by a notary public. STATE OF ) ) SS COUNTY OF ) On this day of , 20 , before me personally appeared , to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that he/she executed the same as his/her free act and deed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal in the County and State aforesaid, the day and year first above written. , Notary Public County, State of Missouri My commission expires: Attorney Information This information may be completed by your attorney. Do not enter any information here if you are filing this case without the assistance of an attorney. I have assisted in the preparation of these pleadings, but I am not entering my appearance on behalf of the person listed above. (Attorney - Sign above) (Missouri Bar Number) (Attorney - Print your name above) (Street) (City) (State) (Zip) (Telephone Number with Area Code) (Fax Number with Area Code) (E-mail Address - Optional) American LegalNet, Inc. FORM NO. 14 CHILD SUPPORT AMOUNT CALCULATION WORKSHEET Respondent / Petitioner is the 223Parent Paying Support224 Total Number of Children: PARENT RECEIVING SUP PORT PARENT PAYING SUPPORT COMBINED 1. MONTHLY GROSS INCOME 1a. Monthly court-ordered maintenance being received 2. ADJUSTMENTS 2a. Other monthly child support pursuant to court or administrative order 2b. Monthly court-ordered maintenance being paid 2c. Monthly support obligation for other children. (1)Number of other children primarily residing in each parent222s custody (2)Each parent222s support obligation from support schedule using the parent222s Line 1 monthly gross income (3)Monthly child support received under court or administrative order for children included in line 2c(1) 2c. TOTAL adjustment [Line 2c(2) minus Line 2c(3)] 3. ADJUSTED MONTHLY GROSS INCOME (s um of lines 1 and 1a, minus lines 2a, 2b and 2c). 4. PROPORTIONATE SHARE OF COMBINED ADJUSTED MONTHLY GROSS INCOME (Each parent222s line 3 income divided by combined line 3 income). 5. BASIC CHILD SUPPORT AMOUNT (From support chart using combined line 3 income). 6. ADDITIONAL CHILD-REARING COSTS OF PARENTS 6a. Child Care Costs of Parent Receiving Support (1)Reasonable work-related child care costs of the parent receiving support. (2)Child Care Tax Credit (See Form 14 Directions) 6a. TOTAL adjusted Child Care Costs [Line 6a(1) minus Line 6a(2)] 6b. Reasonable work-related child care costs of the parent paying support 6c. Health insurance costs for the children who are subjects of this proceeding 6d. Uninsured agreed-upon or court-ordered extraordinary medical costs 6e. Other agreed-upon or court-ordered extraordinary child-rearing costs 7. TOTAL ADDITIONAL CHILD - REARING COSTS ( Enter s um of lines 6a, 6b, 6c, 6d and 6e). 8. TOTAL COMBINED CHILD SUPPORT COSTS (Sum of line 5 and line 7). 9. EACH PARENT222S SUPPORT OBLIGATION (Multiply line 8 by each parent222s line 4) 10.CREDIT FOR ADDITIONAL CHILD - REARING COSTS (Line 7 of parent paying support). 11.ADJUSTMENT FOR A PORTION OF AMOUNTS EXPENDED BY THEPARENT OBLIGATED TO PAY SUPPORT DURING PERIODS OFOVERNIGHT VISITATION OR CUSTODY. (See Form 14 Directions)(Multiply line 5 by %). 12 . PRESUMED CHILD SUPPORT AMOUNT (Line 9 minus lines 10 and 11). Page 4 of 4 Answer to Motion to Modify Child Support Form CAFC112-R 07/01/2019 This form is available for free at American LegalNet, Inc. 2016 Schedule of Basic Child Support Obligation Combined Adjusted Gross