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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF , MISSOURI (County where court is located. City of Saint Louis is considered a county.) Case(First Name) (Middle Name) (Last Name) (Jr./Sr./III)NumberPetitioner, (Enter full legal name of the person who filed the original petition)(Enter the case number of the judgmentyou want to change) v. Division(First Name) (Middle Name) (Last Name) (Jr./Sr./III)NumberRespondent. (Enter full legal name of the person who responded to theoriginal petition) Motion to Modify Child SupportThis form is to modify child support only. This motion will not allow the court to change custody or visitation with the children.Motion to Modify Child Custody and SupportMotionInformation about the Last Child Support Judgment (Check one of the two boxes) (First Name) (Middle Name) (Last Name) (Jr./Sr./III) (Child222s Age) (First Name) (Middle Name) (Last Name) (Jr./Sr./III) (Child222s Age) . (First Name) (Middle Name) (Last Name) (Jr./Sr./III) (Child222s Age) American LegalNet, Inc. (First Name) (Middle Name) (Last Name) (Jr./Sr./III) (Child222s Age)(First Name) (Middle Name) (Last Name) (Jr./Sr./III) (Child222s Age)(First Name) (Middle Name) (Last Name) (Jr./Sr./III) (Child222s Age) . (Check one of the four boxes) (Check one of the five boxes)(Check one of the four boxes) American LegalNet, Inc. Your Information (Enter your full legal name on the lines above) (First Name) (Middle Name) (Last Name) (Jr./Sr./III) must (Street) (City) (State) (Zip) (Telephone Number with Area Code) (E-mail Address Optional) (Check one of the two boxes) (Check one of the three boxes) (Employer222s name or type of self-employment)(Street) (City) (State) (Zip) American LegalNet, Inc. Information about the Other Parent (Enter the full legal name of the other parent on the lines above) (Street) (City) (State) (Zip) (Telephone Number with Area Code) (E-mail Address Optional) (First Name) (Middle Name) (Last Name) (Jr./Sr./III) (Check one of the two boxes) (Check one of the four boxes) (Employer222s name or type of self-employment) (Street) (City) (State) (Zip) not(Check 223is224 or 223is not224) Motion American LegalNet, Inc. Motion(Check one of the two boxes) Motion to Modify Child Support MotionMotionChanges You Want the Court to Make to Your Child Support Judgment American LegalNet, Inc. MotionorderedMotion? (Check one of the two boxes) .(Amount Requested) American LegalNet, Inc. Request for Relief (Check all that apply) Motion. American LegalNet, Inc. Directions for Service on the Other Parent (Enter the name of the other parent on the lines below) (First Name) (Middle Name) (Last Name) (Jr./Sr./III)Check one of the following service options: Answer to Motion to Modify Child Support Motion to Modify Child Support. Answer to Motion to Modify Child Support MotionAnswer If you are going to have the other parent served, you must file another copy of all your documents in this case to be served on the other parent. (Street) (City) (State) (Zip) (Employer222s Name) (Hours of Employment) If you are going to have the other parent served, you must file another copy of all your documents in this case to be served on the other parent. (Street) (City) (State) (Zip) Affidavit for Service by Mail If you request a summons to be served outside of the county where you filed this Motion, the court may require you to deliver the summons to the sheriff of the county where the summons will be served. You must also pay the appropriate service fee to that sheriff. For further instructions, please contact the circuit clerk in the county where your Motion is filed. American LegalNet, Inc. Service on Family Support Division (if necessary) Motion MotionForm 14by certified mail atYou must file the certified mail receipt with the court. Sign Below in the Presence of a Notary Public Motion to Modify Child Support Motion to Modify Child Support (Sign above in the presence of a Notary Public)(Print your name above) American LegalNet, Inc. Attorney Information (Attorney - Print your name above) (City) (State) (Zip) (Telephone Number with Area Code) (Fax Number with Area Code) (E-mail Address - Optional) (Attorney - Sign above) (Missouri Bar Number) (Street) American LegalNet, Inc. FORM NO. 14 CHILD SUPPORT AMOUNT CALCULATION WORKSHEET Respondent / Petitioner is the 223Parent Paying Support224 Total Number of Children: PARENT RECEIVING SUP PORT PARENT PAYING SUPPORT COMBINED 1. MONTHLY GROSS INCOME 1a. Monthly court-ordered maintenance being received 2. ADJUSTMENTS 2a. Other monthly child support pursuant to court or administrative order 2b. Monthly court-ordered maintenance being paid 2c. Monthly support obligation for other children. (1)Number of other children primarily residing in each parent222s custody (2)Each parent222s support obligation from support schedule using the parent222s Line 1 monthly gross income (3)Monthly child support received under court or administrative order for children included in line 2c(1) 2c. TOTAL adjustment [Line 2c(2) minus Line 2c(3)] 3. ADJUSTED MONTHLY GROSS INCOME (s um of lines 1 and 1a, minus lines 2a, 2b and 2c). 4. PROPORTIONATE SHARE OF COMBINED ADJUSTED MONTHLY GROSS INCOME (Each parent222s line 3 income divided by combined line 3 income). 5. BASIC CHILD SUPPORT AMOUNT (From support chart using combined line 3 income). 6. ADDITIONAL CHILD-REARING COSTS OF PARENTS 6a. Child Care Costs of Parent Receiving Support (1)Reasonable work-related child care costs of the parent receiving support. (2)Child Care Tax Credit (See Form 14 Directions) 6a. TOTAL adjusted Child Care Costs [Line 6a(1) minus Line 6a(2)] 6b. Reasonable work-related child care costs of the parent paying support 6c. Health insurance costs for the children who are subjects of this proceeding 6d. Uninsured agreed-upon or court-ordered extraordinary medical costs 6e. Other agreed-upon or court-ordered extraordinary child-rearing costs 7. TOTAL ADDITIONAL CHILD - REARING COSTS ( Enter s um of lines 6a, 6b, 6c, 6d and 6e). 8. TOTAL COMBINED CHILD SUPPORT COSTS (Sum of line 5 and line 7). 9. EACH PARENT222S SUPPORT OBLIGATION (Multiply line 8 by each parent222s line 4) 10.CREDIT FOR ADDITIONAL CHILD - REARING COSTS (Line 7 of parent paying support). 11.ADJUSTMENT FOR A PORTION OF AMOUNTS EXPENDED BY THEPARENT OBLIGATED TO PAY SUPPORT DURING PERIODS OFOVERNIGHT VISITATION OR CUSTODY. (See Form 14 Directions)(Multiply line 5 by %). 12 . PRESUMED CHILD SUPPORT AMOUNT (Line 9 minus lines 10 and 11). American LegalNet, Inc. 2016 Schedule of Basic Child Support Obligation Combined Adjusted Gross Income One Child Two Children Three Children Four Children Five Children Six Children 60 60 60 60 60 60 91 94 94 95 95 95 122 127 128 129 130 130 153 161 162 164 164 165 184 194 196 198 199 200 215 228 230 233 234 235 246 261 264 267 269 270 277 295 298 302 303 305 308 328 332 336 338 340 362 366 371 373 375 395 400 405 408 410 429 434 440 442 445 462 468 474 477 480 496 502 509 512 515 529 536 543 547 550 570 578 581 585 604 612 616 620 638 647 651 655 672 681 686 690 716 720 725 750 755 760 785 790 795 819 825 830 859 865 894 901 929 936 964 972 998 1007 1043 1078 1114 1149 Combined Adjusted Gross Income One Child Two Children Three Children Four Children Five Children Six Children Combined Adjusted Gross Income One Child Two Children Three Children Four Children Five Children Six Children Combined Adjusted Gross Income One Child Two Children Three Children Four Children Five Children Six Children American LegalNet, Inc. Combined Adjusted Gross Income One Child Two Children Three Children Four Children Five Children Six Children Combined Adjusted Gross Income One Child Two Children Three Children Four Children Five Children Six Children Combined Adjusted Gross Income One Child Two Children Three Children Four Children Five Children Six Children Combined Adjusted Gross Income One Child Two Children Three Children Four Children Five Children Six Children A