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Notice Of Commencement Termination Of Compensation Form. This is a Missouri form and can be use in Workers Comp.
Tags: Notice Of Commencement Termination Of Compensation, WC-2, Missouri Workers Comp,
MISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONSDIVISION OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT/TERMINATION OF COMPENSATION This form has been designed as a tool to help calculate lost time benefits. It is password protected and you will not be able to make changes to the typed text headings or formulas. The lost time calculations will be automatically performed based upon the information you enter. There are several new fields added to this form which make calculating the lost time benefits feasible. Instructions for these fields are listed below.If you have problems accessing the form or using its calculations please call 573-526-2700Injury Number: Please enter one digit of the Division assigned injury number in each box. Box No. 1A. SSN: Please enter the last four digits of employee's Social Security Number in Box 1A. Box No. 2. Date of Accident: Please enter the date of the accident in Box 2. The State determined maximum rate of compensation will be automatically displayed in Box 6B based on this date. Box No. 5. Average Weekly Wage (AWW): Please enter the AWW for the employee in Box 5. The rate of compensation will be automatically calculated and displayed in Box 6C. Box No. 6. Max AWW: If the injured employee should be receiving the State determined maximum compensation amount based on the AWW entered in Box 5, the indicator in Box 6A will be set to "Y" and the maximum rate in 6B and the rate of compensation in Box 6C will be the same. If the rate of compensation in Box 6C is calculated at a lower rate than the State determined maximum rate based on the AWW, this indicator will automatically toggle to "N." Box No. 8. Type of Lost Time (LT): This form is designed to automatically calculate the amount of compensation benefits paid to an employee, and contains separate fields for Temporary Total Disability (TTD) [Box 12], and Temporary Partial Disability (TPD) [Box 13] benefits. In order to arrive at the correct calculations you will need to indicate which type of lost time each date range represents. In Box 8 type TTD for temporary total disability or TPD for temporary partial disability. The correct calculations will be Box No. 9. Disability Began: This is the first day that the employee is entitled to disability benefits. Note: If the employee was off work for more than 14 days and you ARE paying for the three day waiting period, the first day of the waiting period needs to be the date in this box. Please enter the date as follows: mm/dd/yy. Example for January 1, 2017, you would enter 01/01/17. Please make sure you use the slash (/). Box No. 10. Disability Ended: This the last day disability benefits were paid to the employee. Please enter the date as follows mm/dd/yy. Example for March 15, 2017, you would enter 03/15/17. Please make sure you use the slash (/). Total Days and Total Weeks: The total number of days and total number of weeks are automatically calculated for the date range that is entered. Please note that all fields are protected fields that cannot be changed. Box No. 11. Total Weeks of Compensation: The total weeks of compensation for the injured employee will be automatically calculated. The resulting number of weeks will reflect the TTD and/or TPD date ranges that you entered. Box No. 12. Temporary Total Disability Benefits Paid to Date: The dollar amount of the TTD benefit will be automatically Box No. 13. Temporary Partial Disability Benefits Paid to Date: The Division does not calculate the amount of TPD paid to the injured employee. You will need to type in the amount of TPD benefits paid to the injured employee. Box No. 14. Temporary Total Salary (TTS) Benefits Paid to Date: The Division does not calculate the amount of TTS paid to the injured employee. You will need to type in the amount of TTS benefits paid to the injured employee. Box No. 15 and 16. Statutory Penalties: appears on the form. If you enter a dollar amount and a percentage, the form will pick up the dollar amount before the percentage. It is best to only enter either the dollar amount or the percentage. The calculations in Boxes 12 and 14 will reflect the reduction once you have entered the reduction amount. Box No. 26. If benefits are being paid to a dependent, please list each dependent's name, address, relationship to the deceased employee and dollar amount being paid. You may attach a separate sheet as a pdf document or a Word document. Missouri Division of Workers222 Compensation is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. TDD/TTY: 800-735-2966 Relay Missouri: 711WC-2 (07-19) AI American LegalNet, Inc. XXX-XX- 6B. MAX RATE 8. Type of LT Total DaysTotal Weeks 15. HAS STATUTORY PENALTY BEEN ASSESSED FOR: 16. I F YOU CHECKED YES IN BOX 15, PLEASE INDICATE THE FOLLOWING: SAFETY VIOLATION: YESNOMEDICAL DRUG/ALCOHOL VIOLATION YESNOTTD/TPD20 DEATH BENEFIT PAYMENT (IF MORE THAN ONE DEPENDENT, USE ADDITIONAL SHEET) + 22. PREPARER'S PHONE NUMBER NOTICE OF TERMINATION OF COMPENSATION 19. THIS IS TO NOTIFY THE DIVISION OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION AND THE EMPLOYEE THAT COMPENSATION PAYMENTS IN THE ABOVE MATTER 7. WAITING PERIOD DATES N 18. FIRST DAY OF PERIOD COVERED BY PAYMENT FOR CURRENT DISABILITY PERIOD BEING REPORTED 6A. MAX AWW 6C. RATE OF COMPENSATION 11. TOTAL WEEKS OF COMPENSATION 14. TEMPORARY TOTAL SALARY (TTS) BENEFITS PAID TO DATE MISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS DIVISION OF WORKERS' COMPENSATIONP.O. BOX 58, JEFFERSON CITY, MO 65102-0058 NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT/ TERMINATION OF COMPENSATION THE INFORMATION YOU VOLUNTARILY PROVIDE IN BOXES 15 & 16 BASED UPON SB 1 & 130 EFFECTIVEAUGUST 28, 2005, IS FOR STATISTICAL PURPOSES ONLY. 2. DATE OF ACCIDENT 4. EMPLOYEE ADDRESS PERCENTAGE REDUCED 29. RELATIONSHIP TO DECEASED HAVE TERMINATED, THE LAST PAYMENT HAVING BEEN MADE ON DISABILITY PAYMENT PLEASE INDICATE WHETHER EMPLOYEE'S "POST-INJURY MISCONDUCT" SET FORTH IN SECTION 247287.170.4 RSMO EFFECTIVE AUGUST 28, 2005, RESULTED IN TERMINATION OF TTD/TPD DISABILITY BENEFITS NO FOR THE FOLLOWING 24. DATE 20. RETURN TO WORK DATE 21. PREPARED BY AMOUNT REDUCED YES 17. DATE FIRST PAYMENT WAS MADE TO EMPLOYEE BASED UPON CURRENT DISABILITY PERIOD BEING REPORTED REASON (MUST BE STATED) 27. WEEKLY AMOUNT PAID WC-2-2 (07-19) AI 25. PREPARER'S E-MAIL ADDRESS 23. EMPLOYER/INSURER/THIRD PARTY ADMINISTRATOR SIGNATURE 26. NAME OF DEPENDENT TO WHOM PAID 9. DISABILITY BEGAN 10. DISABILITY ENDED 12. CUMULATIVE TEMPORARY TOTAL DISABILITY BENEFITS PAID TO DATE INSURER'S OR SELF-INSURED EMPLOYER'S NAME 1A. SSN TO EMPLOYERS/INSURERS/THIRD PARTY ADMINISTRATOR: BE SURE TO COMPLETE THE COST OF MEDICAL AID AND ALL OTHER DATA ITEMS. EMPLOYER MUST NOTIFY EMPLOYEE OF TERMINATION OF BENEFITS WITHIN 10 DAYS OF WHEN BENEFITS WERE DUE. (THIS FORM IS REQUIRED TO BE FILED WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE DATE OF THE ORIGINAL NOTIFICATION OF THE INJURY.THIS FORM MUST BE UPDATED AND REFILED WITHIN 10 DAYS AFTER TERMINATION OF COMPENSATION UNDER 247287.203.) 3. COST OF MEDICAL AID ZIP CODE - + + THIS FORM NEEDS TO BE COMPLETED IF THE EMPLOYEE RECEIVED COMPENSATION BENEFITS AFTER THE THREE DAY WAITING PERIOD AND AS REQUIRED BY 247247287.380; 287.170 AND 287.180, RSMo, AND 8 CSR 50-2.010. SEND ORIGINAL TO THE DIVISION AND ONE COPY TO THE EMPLOYEE. 1. EMPLOYEE NAME 5. AVERAGE WEEKLY WAGE ZIP CODE CLAIM NO. ADDRESS 13. CUMULATIVE TEMPORARY PARTIAL DISABILITY BENEFITS PAID TO DATE INJURY NUMBER 28. ADDRESS OF DEPENDENT American LegalNet, Inc.