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Certificate Of Domestic Limited Partnership Or Limited Liability Limited Partnership Form. This is a Montana form and can be use in Business Filing Secretary Of State.
Tags: Certificate Of Domestic Limited Partnership Or Limited Liability Limited Partnership, Montana Secretary Of State, Business Filing
Prepare, sign, and submit with an original signature and filing fee. This is the minimum information required. STATE OF MONTANA (This space for Secretary of State use only) CERTIFICATE of DOMESTIC LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 35-12-601, MCA MAIL: LINDA McCULLOCH Secretary of State P.O. Box 202801 Helena, MT 59620-2801 (406) 444-3665 (406) 444-3976 PHONE: FAX: WEB SITE: Required Filing Fee: $20.00 24 Hour Priority Handling check box and Add $20.00 1 Hour Expedite Handling check box and Add $100.00 Make checks payable to Secretary of State. If the document is hand written, please print legibly or the application may be denied. Check One Box: A Limited Partnership (name must contain "limited partnership" or "l.p." or "lp" designation (35-12-505, MCA)) Limited Liability Limited Partnership (name must contain limited liability limited partnership" or "l.l.l.p. "lllp" (35-12-505, MCA)) 1. The name of the Limited Partnership: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. The name of the entity's Commercial Registered Agent for service of process in Montana is: (A list of Commercial Registered Agents is available at: Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Or, the name and address of the entity's Noncommercial Registered Agent for service of process in Montana is: Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Actual Street Address or Rural Route Box Number in Montana: (Must be an actual geographic location.) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: _________________________________________________________ Zip Code: ___________________________________ And, a mailing address in Montana, if different: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: _________________________________________________________ Zip Code: ___________________________________ Appointment of a Registered Agent is affirmation of the Registered Agent's consent to serve as Registered Agent. 3. The name and business mailing address of each of each general partner (attach a separate sheet if necessary): __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name Business Mailing Address __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name Business Mailing Address __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name Business Mailing Address 04-Domestic_Limited_Partnership_Certificate Revised: 07/2015 American LegalNet, Inc. 4. In accordance with 35-12-601(2), MCA, the general partners may submit with this Certificate of Limited Partnership any other matters they determine to include, but may not vary or affect the provisions specified in 35-12-515(2), MCA. I, HEREBY SWEAR AND/OR AFFIRM, under penalty of law, including criminal prosecution, that the facts contained in this document are true. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Signatures of all General Partners are required. _____________________________ Date _____________________________ Date _____________________________ Date 5. 6. Daytime Contact: Phone _________________________________ Email _____________________________________________ 04-Domestic_Limited_Partnership_Certificate Revised: 07/2015 American LegalNet, Inc.