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Tags: 78A - GeophysicalExplorationSecurityAgreement Revised: 3/2017 STATE OF MONTANA 82-1-104, MCA MAIL: Secretary of State es-ESP.O. Box 202801 es-ESHelena, MT 59620-2801 PHONE: (406) 444-3665 FAX: (406) 444-3976 WEB SITE: Prepare, sign, and submit with an original signature and, MCA, concerning the conduct of seismic operations in the State of Montana, Principal agrees to provide SOS the above-indicated security in the sum of $ ($10,000 for a single seismic crew, or $25,000 for all seismic crews operating within the state) for the following project(s) American LegalNet, Inc. 78A - GeophysicalExplorationSecurityAgreement Revised: 3/2017 2. Said security will be payable to the Montana Secretary of State. The issue date of the security must be within 10 days of its receipt by SOS and must be delivered to SOS with this agreement. 3. seismic exploration, plus an additional 5 years after the cessation of the seismic exploration activities. Upon delivery of the security, SOS will issue a receipt to Principal listing the name of the designated resident agent for the Principal, the ng the security receipt showing that the security has been filed. The security receipt will be in triplicate with copies provided to the Principal, the SOS accounting office, and SOS for its records. 4. Partial or complete forfeiture of the above-referenced security will be determined by the appropriate court of civil jurisdiction in the State of Montana. 5. This agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Montana and sets forth the entire agreement between the parties pursuant to the requirements of 82-1-104 , MCA. No amendment, change or other modification of this agreement shall be effective or binding upon the parties unless it is in writing and signed by each party. Principal acknowledges that SOS does not waive sovereign immunity in any respect regarding this agreement and SOS specifically retains sovereign immunity and all defenses available to it as a sovereign pursuant to all state or federal laws. 6. I, HEREBY SWEAR AND/OR AFFIRM, under penalty of law, including criminal prosecution, that the facts contained in this document are true. Dated this day of , 20. (Type Principal name on line above) By: Address of signer: 7. Daytime Contact: Phone Email American LegalNet, Inc.