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Prepare, sign, and submit with an original signature and filing fee. This is the minimum information required. STATE OF MONTANA (This space for Secretary of State use only) GEOPHYSICAL EXPLORATION SURETY BOND 82-1-104, MCA MAIL: LINDA McCULLOCH Secretary of State P.O. Box 202801 Helena, MT 59620-2801 (406) 444-3665 (406) 444-3976 PHONE: FAX: WEB SITE: Required Filing Fee: $15.00 24 Hour Priority Handling check box and Add $20.00 1 Hour Expedite Handling check box and Add $100.00 Make checks payable to Secretary of State. If the document is hand written, please print legibly or the document may be denied. Surety Bond No.: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________, hereinafter Principal, and (Individual, Firm, or Corporation) _______________________________________________________________, Surety, (Name of Surety) A security provider licensed to do business as a surety under the laws of the State of Montana is held and firmly bound to indemnify the owners of property within this state, in the full and just sum of $________________________, ($10,000 for a single seismic crew, or $25,000 for all seismic crews operating within the state) to be paid to, and to indemnify, the owners of the property on which the seismic activity takes place for physical damages to the property resulting from seismic exploration, or its assigns, to which payment we bind ourselves, heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by this bond. WHEREAS, said Principal will engage in geophysical exploration within the State of Montana for the following project (describe the project(s) and provide a legal description): ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ NOW, THEREFORE, the conditions of this obligation are such that the Principal shall in all respects perform all the restoration activities as specified in 82-1-104, MCA, upon completion of seismic exploration. Upon completion of the restoration activities to the satisfaction of the owners of the property within this state, the security must remain on file with the Secretary of State for an additional 5 years after cessation of the exploration activities. Partial or complete forfeiture of the surety bond must be determined by the appropriate court of civil jurisdiction. ___________________________________________________ Principal Signature Date ___________________________________________________ Surety Name _______________________________________________ Principal Name American LegalNet, Inc. 78B-Geophysical_Exploration_Bond Revised: 07/2015 By: ________________________________________________ Attorney-in-Fact (Seal and Signature) ___________________________________________________ Date Signed ___________________________________________________ Agency ___________________________________________________ Address Note: A copy of the agent's Power of Attorney for the Surety Company must be attached to this surety bond. Daytime Contact: Phone_____________________________ Email_________________________________________________ American LegalNet, Inc. 78B-Geophysical_Exploration_Bond Revised: 07/2015