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A county court proceeding that has been captured through the use of an electronic recording device can be, upon request, copied onto a compact disc (CD). The cost of the copy is $10 for the first hearing that will fit on one CD. There is an additional charge of $5 for each additional hearing on a CD and a charge of $5 for each additional CD required. This form is used for the purpose of requesting a copy of a digitally recorded county court proceeding. This form must be completed entirely in order for the county court staff to process your request timely. All the information requested below can be found in the county court case file. All arrangements for a CD copy are made directly with the county court staff at the court where the hearing was held. Case No.: Case Name: Date of Hearing: Time and Location: Judge at Hearing: Full Hearing Partial Description of portion being requested I would like a CD copy of the electronically recorded proceeding(s) described above. I acknowledge that this recording IS NOT the official court record; and I agree that I will comply with all laws regarding privacy of information and not to publish or disseminate any content that may be protected, including, but not limited to, the information described in Neb. Ct. R. 247247 6-1464, 6-1521, and 6-1701. Appendix 9 adopted November 23, 2011; amended April 18, 2012; amended May 15, 2013. American LegalNet, Inc.