Warrants And Commitments Return
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Nebraska State Court Form WARRANTS AND COMMITMENTS RETURN CC 6:52 New 08/14 Document # Page 1 of 1 Warrants and Commitments Return CC 6:52 New 08/14 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF COUNTY, NEBRASKA Plaintiff vs. Defendant Case WARRANTS AND COMMITMENTS RETURN To: County Court, , , Nebraska . (address) (city) (ZIP code) County Sheriff received this writ on , The and on I arrested the defendant or party within have brought him/her before the court. Defendant or party was imprisoned on and released on and served: days toward sentence days toward amount due Defendant or party paid $ toward amount due. Defendant or party signed a time payment agreement. Date: By: Sheriff or authorized person/jailer American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com