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Page 1 of 2 Application for Approval of Annual Accounting and/or Fees CC 16:2.29 Rev. 04/16 Nebraska State Court Form REQUIRED APPLICATION FOR CC 16:2.29 Neb. Rev. Stat. 247247 30-2643, 30-2601(10), 30-2648 and 30-2613(d)Neb. Ct. R. 247247 6-1442(H), 6-1433(B)(2) IN THE COUNTY COURT OF COUNTY, NEBRASKA IN THE MATTER OF Ward/Incapacitated Person/Protected Person Case APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF ANNUAL ACCOUNTING AND/OR FEES , makes the , uardian/onservator for following request(s) of the ourt: Guardian/Conservator requests the ourt enter an Order Approving the uardian/onservator222sAnnual Accounting filed on. Guardian/ConservatorGuardian/Conservator asks that the ourt allow attorney fees in the amount of $and expenses in the amount of $ . Guardian/Conservator asks that the ourt allow other professional fees in the amount of $ be paid to and expenses in the amount of $be paid to . I acknowledge that I will receive a Notice of Hearing when I file my Application for Approval of Accounting and/or Fees. After I receive the Notice of Hearing from the ounty ourt, it is my responsibility to send a Signature(s) of Guardian(s) and/or Conservator(s) Date Print or Type Name ofBar Number and Firm Name (attorneys only) City/State/ZIP Code of Guardian(s) and/or Conservator(s) Phone(s) E-mail Address(es) Other: American LegalNet, Inc. Page 2 of 2 Application for Approval of Annual Accounting and/or Fees CC 16:2.29 Rev. 04/16 *Interested persons are defined as:children and spouses;future heirs if the ward/incapacitated person/protected person would die without leaving a validwill (brothers and sisters who are adults, grandparents, etc.);a trustee of any trust executed by the ward/incapacitated person/protected person;if there are no individuals defined as 223interested persons224 above, include any person ororganization named as a 223devisee224 in the ward222s/incapacitated person222s/protected person222smost recent will;after death of the ward/incapacitated person/protected person, interested person also includesthe personal representative of a deceased ward222s/incapacitated person222s/protected person222sestate, the deceased ward222s/incapacitated person222s/protected person222s heirs in an intestateestate, and the deceased ward222s/incapacitated person222s/protected person222s devisees in atestate estate; any governmental agency paying benefits on behalf of the ward/incapacitated person/protectedperson; andany person designated by order of the court to be an interested person. If there are no interested persons identified for a ward/incapacitated person/protected person, the court shall appoint a guardian ad litem (Nebraska Supreme Court Rule 247 6-1449(B)). The cost of the guardian ad litem may be taken from the assets of the ward/incapacitated person/protected person. American LegalNet, Inc.