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Nebraska State Court Form REQUIRED MOTION FOR INTRASTATE TRANSFER CC 16:3.23 New 10/2015 Neb. Ct. R. 6-1443.02 Page 1 of Motion for Intrastate Transfer CC 16:3.23 New 10/2015 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF COUNTY, NEBRASKA IN THE MATTER OF Ward/Incapacitated Person/Protected Person MOTION FOR INTRASTATE TRANSFER Comes now, , guardian, conservator, interested party, other:, to inform the ourt that the ward, protected person, and/or incapacitated person222s best interest would be served by transferring a guardianship and/or conservatorship case to County, Nebraska. That county has concurrent jurisdiction pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. 247247 30-2212, 30-2615, and 30-2629, because Transferring this guardianship/conservatorship to County, Nebraska would serve the best interest of the ward, protected person, and/or incapacitated person because I therefore request that this motion for intrastate transfer be set for hearing and that this request for transfer be considered by the court. I acknowledge that I will receive a Notice of Hearing when I file this Motion for Intstate Transfer. After I receive the Notice of Hearing from the ounty ourt, it is my responsibility to send a copy of this Motionthe Notice of Hearing to all interested personsfile a Certificate of Mailing with the court showing I mailed a copy of to all interested persons. Date: Signature(s) of Petitioner(s) Print or Type Name of Petitioner(s) Street Address/ P.O. Box Bar Number and Firm Name (attorneys only) City, State and Zip Code Phone Number(s) E-mail Address American LegalNet, Inc.