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Page 1 of 3 Motion to Terminate Guardianship/Conservatorship of a Minor CC 16:3.2 Rev. 04/16 Nebraska State Court Form REQUIRED MOTION TO TERMINATE GUARDIANSHIP/ CONSERVATORSHIP Neb. Rev. Stat. 24730-2601(10) IN THE COUNTY COURT OF COUNTY, IN THE MATTER OF Ward/Protected Person Case MOTION TO TERMINATE GUARDIANSHIP/CONSERVATORSHIP OF A MINOR , moves reached the age of majority (19 years of age). been adopted. (For termination of uardianship only) married. (A certified copy of the marriage license with the date of births blacked out is included. Pursuant to Neb. Ct. R. 6-1464(B), Appendix 11, providing the confidential information thatwas blacked out on the marriage license has been filed with the court.) died. (A certified copy of the death certificate with the date of birth and social security number blacked out is included. Pursuant to Neb. Ct. R. 6-1464(B), Appendix 11, providing theconfidential information that was blacked out on the death certificate has been filed with thecourt.) Returned to atural arents, on .(For termination of uardianship only) Other: . I DO NOT HAVE possession or control or the ward222s/incapacitated person222s/protected person222s money assets, possessions or iAmerican LegalNet, Inc. Page 2 of 3 Motion to Terminate Guardianship/Conservatorship of a Minor CC 16:3.2 Rev. 04/16 I HAVE possession or control of the ward222s/protected person222s money, assets, possessions or income (including social security or other benefits) I have attached a waiver of final report/accounting. (CC 16:2.60) OR I have attached the Final Accounting Packet (CC 16:2.54) that includes the FinalInventory, Final Accounting, Certificate(s) of Proof of Possession and the Personal Information for Guardianships and Conservatorships. I have also attached the bank statements and/or brokerage statements for the period since the most recent annual accounting I filed. I acknowledge that I will receive a Notice of Hearing when I file my Motion to Terminate Guardianship/Conservatorship of a Minor and all required documents (if applicable). After I receive the Notice of Hearing from the ounty ourt, it is my responsibility to send a copy of this Motion and all required documents (if applicable), the Notice of Hearing and the Notice of Right to Object form, to all interested persons*. I also acknowledge that I shall file a Certificate of Mailing with the court showing I mailed copies of all required documents by first class mail, postage prepaid to all interested persons. Signature(s) of Guardian(s) and/or Conservator(s) Date Print or Type Name of Guardian(s) and/or Conservator(s) Street Address/P.O. Box of Guardian(s) and/or Conservator(s) Bar Number and Firm Name (attorneys only) City/State/ZIP Code of Guardian(s) and/or Conservator(s) Phone(s) E-mail Address(es) American LegalNet, Inc. Page 3 of 3 Motion to Terminate Guardianship/Conservatorship of a Minor CC 16:3.2 Rev. 04/16 *Interested persons are defined as:children and spouses;future heirs if the ward/protected person would die without leaving a valid will (brothers andsisters who are adults, grandparents, etc.);a trustee of any trust executed by the ward/protected person;if there are no individuals defined as 223interested persons224 above, include any person ororganization named as a 223devisee224 in the ward222s/protected person222s most recent will;after death of the ward/protected person, interested person also includes the personalrepresentative of a deceased ward222s/protected person222s estate, the deceased ward222s/protectedperson222s heirs in an intestate estate, and the deceased ward222s/protected person222s devisees ina testate estate;any governmental agency paying benefits on behalf of the ward/protected person; andany person designated by order of the court to be an interested person. If there are no interested persons identified for a ward/protected person, the court shall appoint a guardian ad litem (Neb 247 6-1449(B)). The cost of the guardian ad litem may be taken from the assets of the ward/protected person. American LegalNet, Inc.