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Nebraska State Court Form REQUIRED NOTICE OF RIGHT TO OBJECTCC 16:2.16 Rev. 01/15 Neb. Ct. R.6-1433(D)(3) Page 1 of 1 Notice of Right to Object CC 16:2.16 Rev. 01/15 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF COUNTY, NEBRASKA IN THE MATTER OF Case NOTICE OF RIGHT TO OBJECT Ward/Protected Person/Incapacitated Person You are notified that List documents filed have been filed in the above referenced case on Date document(s) filed. If you object to the contents or accuracy of these filings, you may file an objection and request a hearing before the court. You have 10 days from the date these documents were filed with the court to complete and file the Objection form which can be obtained on the Nebraska Supreme Court website, . Date Signature(s) of Guardian(s) and/or Conservator(s) Print or Type Name of Guardian(s) and/or Conservator(s) Bar Number and Firm Name (attorneys only) Street Address/P.O. Box of Guardian(s) and/or Conservator(s) City/State/ZIP Code of Guardian(s) and/or Conservator(s) Phone(s) E-mail Address(es) American LegalNet, Inc.