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Nebraska State Court Form REQUIRED ORDER APPOINTING STANDBY GUARDIAN Page 1 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF COUNTY, NEBRASKA IN THE MATTER OF Case ORDER APPOINTING STANDBY GUARDIAN The Petition for Appointment of Standby Guardian having come before the court, the court finds as follows: 1. Petitioner(s) is/are entitled to file the Petition pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. 247 30-2619 andNeb. Ct. 2.Notice has been given or waived as required by law.3.Venue in this county is proper.4.The court finds clear and convincing evidence that having a standby guardian appointed is in the5.The standby guardian,is entitled to appointment pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. 247 30-2619(e) and should be appointed as standby guardian. The standby guardian shall provide their current address and phone number to the court after this Order is signed. The standby guardian shall notify the court within 3 days of any change of their address The standby guardian cannot act on behalf of the ward unless one of the following factors applies: 1.The guardian has died.2.The guardian is unwilling to act.3.The guardian222s inability to act.4.The guardian has resigned and a judge has accepted the guardian222s resignation. American LegalNet, Page 2 of 3 Prior to Letters being issued the standby guardian must do the following: 1. Complete the Notice: Assumption of Guardianship Authority by Standby Guardian andAcceptance form and file it with the court within 3 days of any of the event(s) occurringabove. The tandby uardian shall also file a certificate of mailing with the court showingthat copies of the Notice: Assumption of Guardianship Authority by Standby Guardian andAcceptance form and a Notice of Right to Object form were sent to all interested persons,including the bonding company, if any, by first-class mail postage prepaid. 2.Complete all background checks as required by Neb. Rev. Stat. 247 30-2602.02 and Neb. Ct.Rule 247 6-1449 and file them with the court, unless waived by the court for good cause shown3.File an Inventory, Affidavit of Due Diligence and Certificate of Mailing with the court showingthat copies of the Inventory and a Notice of Right to Object form were sent to all interestedpersons, including the bonding company, if any, by first-class mail postage prepaid. The court shall review the inventory and background checks filed by the tandby uardian. The court shall determine if a bond is necessary and shall so indicate in an Order and Letters shall issue after the bond is posted, if required. The court may in its discretion set the matter for hearing with notice to all interested . The standby guardian shall complete training within 90 days of receiving their Letters. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that shall be appointed standby guardian(s) of . As a standby guardian you are ordered to comply with the following restrictions: 1. The standby guardian(s) shall not pay himself/herself/themselves or his/her/their attorneycompensation from the assets or income of the protected person nor sell real property of theestate without first obtaining an Order from the court. To obtain an order, you must first file anapplication, give notice to interested persons, then have a hearing date scheduled. This Ordermay be entered without a hearing if all interested have waived notice of hearing or have American LegalNet, Inc. Page 3 of 3 executed their consent to such compensation or sale or any other restrictions as determined to be appropriate by the court. 2.The standby guardian shall not make any ATM withdrawals or receive cash back on debittransactions without a court order. 3.Other: DATED . BY THE COURT: County Judge PREPARED AND SUBMITTED BY: American LegalNet, Inc.