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Pa ge 1 of 2 Nebraska State Court Form REQUIRED ORDER APPOINTINGCC 16:2.118 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF COUNTY, IN THE MATTER OF Ward/Incapacitated Person Case ORDER APPOINTING THE PUBLIC GUARDIAN AS TEMPORARY GUARDIAN The Petition for5. The Public Guardian is entitled to temporary appointment pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat.247 30-2626and 30-2627 and should be appointed as temporary guardian6. Bond is not required pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. 24730-2627(e) 7.Other: American LegalNet, Inc. Page 2 of 2 IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the Public Guardian shall be appointed temporary guardian of the estate of and Letters Appointing the Public Guardian as Temporary Guardian shall be issued to the Public Guardian upon the filing of the following documents: 1.Acceptance;2.The Public Guardian shall file the Notice of Designation of Deputy Public Guardian and AssociatePublic Guardians form (CC 16:2.96) with the court, indicating who the designated AssociatePublic Guardian is for this case. If the Associate Public Guardian changes, the Public Guardianshall file an updated Notice of Designation of Deputy Public Guardian and Associate PublicGuardians form (CC 16:2.96) with the court, indicating who the new designated Associate PublicGuardian is for this case. As a temporary guardian the Public Guardian is ordered to comply with the following restrictions: 1.The Public Guardian shall not pay compensation to themselves from assets or income ofward/incapacitated person, nor sell real property of the estate without first giving notice tointerested persons and obtaining an order of the court. The order may be entered without ahearing if all interested persons have waived notice of hearing or have executed their writtenconsent to such compensation or sale and/or any other restrictions as determined to beappropriate by the court.1.The Office of Public Guardian is prohibited from making ATM withdrawals or receiving cashback on debit transactions.2.If any funds have been restricted by the court, the temporary guardian(s) shall not make anywithdrawals from the restricted account without a court order.3.Other restrictions: DATED BY THE COURT: County Judge PREPARED AND SUBMITTED BY: American LegalNet, Inc.