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Nebraska State Court Form REQUIRED ORDER FOR INTRASTATE TRANSFER AND CERTIFICATE OF MAILING CC 16:2.126 Page 1 of 3 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF COUNTY, NEBRASKA IN THE MATTER OF Case ORDER FOR INTRASTATE TRANSFER AND CERTIFICATE OF MAILING Having received the Acceptance of Intrastate Transfer from the successor court, the court finds that The original court file and all exhibits shall forthwith be sent to the successor county court222s clerk for docketing. The original jurisdiction court shall maintain certified copies of all pleadings and exhibits sent to the The successor court shall schedule a status review hearing within 30 days of transfer giving all interested persons notice of the new docket and page number, court address, and judge assigned to the case. DATED. County Judge American LegalNet, Inc. Page 2 of 3 CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I certify that on , I mailed a copy of this order to the successor court and to all interested persons listed below: NAME(S) OF INTERESTED PERSON(S) ADDRESS(ES) See attached (more names and addresses than above) American LegalNet, Inc. Page 3 of 3 *Interested persons are defined as:children and spouses;future heirs if the ward/incapacitated person/protected person would die without leaving avalid will (brothers and sisters who are adults, grandparents, etc.);a trustee of any trust executed by the ward/incapacitated person/protected person;if there are no individuals defined as 223interested persons224 above, include any person ororganization named as a 223devisee224 in the ward222s/incapacitated person222s/protected person222smost recent will;after death of the ward/incapacitated person/protected person, interested person alsoincludes the personal representative of a deceased ward222s/incapacitated person222s/protectedperson222s estate, the deceased ward222s/incapacitated person222s/protected person222s heirs in anintestate estate, and the deceased ward222s/incapacitated person222s/protected person222s deviseesin a testate estate;any governmental agency paying benefits on behalf of the ward/incapacitatedperson/protected person; andany person designated by order of the court to be an interested person. If there are no interested persons identified for a ward/incapacitated person/protected person, the court shall appoint a guardian ad litem (Nebraska Supreme Court Rule 247 6-1449(B)). The cost of the guardian ad litem may be taken from the assets of the ward/incapacitated person/protected person. American LegalNet, Inc.