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Page of 16:2. Rev. UPDATED INVENTORY TO THE GUARDIAN AND/OR CONSERVATOR: To protect personal information, only the last four digits of the account should be provided on this form1.PERSONAL PROPERTY: Checking Accounts Bank Name Account no.XXX- Savings Accounts Bank Name Account no.XXX- Certificates of Deposit Bank Name Account no.XXX- Stocks and Bonds $ Vehicles $ Household goods and furnishings TOTAL: $ Nebraska State Court Form REQUIRED CC 16:2. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF COUNTY, Ward/Incapacitated Person/Protected Person Case American LegalNet, Inc. 2.JOINTLY HELD PROPERTY: With whom $ What $ With whom $ What $ TOTAL: $ 3.INCOME (Monthly): Wages - Employer name: $ Social Security $ Supplemental Security income $ Veterans Administration benefits $ Company pension $ Interest - From where: $ Dividends - From where: $ Other: $ TOTAL: $ 4.CREDIT CARD(S) belonging to ward/incapacitated person/protected person (If applicable) Card Name Account no.XXX- $Card Name Account no. XXX- $ TOTAL: $ Page of 16:2. Rev. American LegalNet, Inc. I swear or affirm, under the penalties of perjury, that I have examined the Updated Inventory and to the best of my knowledge and belief, they are true, correct and complete. Date Signature(s) of Guardian(s) and/or Conservator(s) Print or Type Name of Guardian(s) and/or Conservator(s) Bar Number and Firm Name (attorneys only) Street Address/P.O. Box of Guardian(s) and/or Conservator(s) mark if new address City/State/ZIP Code of Guardian(s) and/or Conservator(s) Phone E-mail Address Page of 16:2. Rev. American LegalNet, Inc.