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Permanency Hearing Form. This is a Nebraska form and can be use in County Court-Separate Juvenile Court Statewide.
Tags: Permanency Hearing, JC-14-11-7, Nebraska Statewide, County Court-Separate Juvenile Court
JC 14:11(7) NEW 11/07Neb. Rev. Stat. 43-2473(a) PERMANENCY HEARING CASE NUMBER: IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF COUNTY, NEBRASKA IN THE INTEREST OF PERMANENCY HEARING CHILD/CHILDREN UNDER EIGHTEEN YEARS OF AGE On , this matter came on before the Court for a Permanency Hearing.Appearing in court were: Child(ren) (Name, DOB, etc): GAL for child(ren): Attorney for child(ren): Mother: Attorney for mother: Father: Attorney for father: Father: County attorney: NDHHS: Facilitator: CASA: Other: 3.EXHIBITS OFFERED AND ADMITTED INTO EVIDENCE: None Case Plan/ Court Report CASA Report GAL Report Visitation Report Caregiver Information Form FCRB Report Other: THE COURT FINDS AND ORDERS: 4. 5. Notice of the date, time, and location of the hearing was properly given as required by law.The child(ren)222s legal removal date from the parental home is: . The child(ren) havebeen in out-of-home placement for months. 6.REASONABLE EFFORTS:a.The NDHHS permanency goal for the child(ren) has been: reunification adoption guardianship independent living other: b.NDHHS has has not made reasonable efforts to finalize the permanent 1.2.Exhibit 3.Case Plan Court Report American LegalNet, Inc. 7.An exception to the requirement under N.R.S. 247 43-292.02, Subd. 3, that a petition be filed pursuant to 247 43-292.02, Subd. 1:a.Does not existb.Does exist, specifically:1.The child(ren) are being cared for by a relative2.There is a documented compelling reason that filing the petition in not in the child(ren)222s best interests,specifically 3.The child(ren)222s family has not had a reasonable opportunity to avail themselves of the servicesordered from the case plan or permanency plan. 8.The Court makes the following specific findings of fact: 9.PERMANENCY PLAN: The appropriate permanency plan for the child(ren) is: Reunification Adoption Guardianship Independent Living Other: 10.CONCURRENT PLAN: 11.CHILD(REN)222S PLACEMENT AND SERVICES: a.Child(ren) Reunified1.The return of the child(ren) to the parental home would not create a substantial risk of harm to the safety,Health, and well-being of the child(ren), and the child(ren)222s placement in foster care is no longer necessaryor appropriate. The factual basis for this conclusion is as stated on the record.2.The child(ren) are placed, effective immediately, in the care and custody of the mother father: other: . 3.Other: . b.Child(ren) Continued in Out-of-Home Placement1.The child(ren)222s current placement is is not appropriate. If inappropriate, the child(ren)222s placement shall be changed to: . 2.Services are previously modified:(1) on the record (2) in the case plan 3.Other: . 12.Notice and the right to be heard has been provided to the foster/preadoptive parents/relative caregiver by theCourt as required by N.R.S. 247 43-1314. 13.Other: 14.The next hearing is scheduled as follows: Hearing Date: Time: Court Room: a.Review Hearingb.Trial 226 Termination of Parental Rightsc.Trial 226 Guardianshipd.Settlement Conferencee.Other: American LegalNet, Inc. 15.The petition is dismissed. Jurisdiction of the court is terminated. All appointed counsel are relieved of the duty toprovide further representation. 16.All prior orders not in conflict with this order remain in full force and effect. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED AS HEREIN ABOVE SET. DATED: BY THE COURT: , JUDGE REGARDING ALLEGATIONS OF ABUSE OR NEGLECT NOTICE: PLACEMENT OF YOUR CHILD IN FOSTER CARE MAY RESULT IN YOUR LOSS OF YOUR RIGHTS TO YOUR CHILD. IF YOUR CHILD STAYS IN FOSTER CARE FOR 15 OF THE MOST RECENT 22 MONTHS, THE COUNTY ATTORNEY OR GUARDIAN AD LITEM MAY BE REQUIRED BY LAW TO FILE A PETITION TO TERMINATE YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS AND UNDER CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES MAY FILE BEFORE THE END OF THE 15-MONTH PERIOD. American LegalNet, Inc.