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Page 1 of 2 actively involved in the parenting of the minor child(ren). As such, the custodial parent proposes the general Parenting Plan detailed below: 1.The custodial parent shall have sole physical and sole legal custody of theminor child(ren) of the parents and, as such, shall have the legalresponsibility and authority to make final decisions concerning theparenting functions necessary to raise the child(ren), including but notlimited to the responsibility and authority to determine the minordence, education, religious upbringingand medical needs. 2.Provided the noncustodial parent provides reasonable notice and advancerequest to the custodial parent and further provided the custodial parentcustodial parentmay have parenting time with the minor child(ren) during the followingtimes: alternating weekends, alternating holidays (including all secularand religious holidays), and two weeks during the summer. If there is noagreement, the parents shall follow the provisions of mediation below. 3.The noncustodial parent may, upon reasonable request to the custodialparent, have telephone/virtual parenting time with the minor child(ren) for minutes each week.(number of minutes per week) 4.In the event the noncustodial parent and the custodial parent agree on aspecific parenting time, the noncustodial parent shall pick up the minorchild(ren) from the custodial parent at the beginning of said parenting timeand shall return the minor child(ren) to the custodial parent at the end ofsaid parenting time. Both parents understand that they have theresponsibility to be on time. If either parent will be late for some reason,or will be unable to exercise parenting time, such parent will notify theother parent as soon as possible. understand thatfifteen(15)minutes is a reasonable time for a parent to wait in order topick up orreturn the child(ren). CASE (assigned by lerk of ourt) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF COUNTY, NEBRASKA , Plaintiff/Petitioner, vs., Defendant/Respondent. PARENTING PLAN () American LegalNet, Inc. Page 2 of 2 5.The custodial parent understands that the best interests of the minorchild(ren) will be maintained by ensuring regular and continuous schoolattendance and progress for school-age child(ren) of the parents. 6.Notification Requirement for Current and Change of Address andContact Information. If there is a change of address or contactinformation, each parent will notify the other parent by mailing the changeof address to the last known mailing address. Exception: If one parenthas a confidential address under Nebraska or federal law, the address orreturn address shall only include the county and state for a party who isliving or moving to an undisclosed location. 7. Mediation for Future Disputes. In the event one or both of the parentswish to change the terms of this lan in the future and the parents areunable to agree on the terms of such change, the parents will attempt tomediate their disagreements. 8. This lan may be changed by mutual, written agreement of the parents,but any permanent changes must be approved by the ourt to be bindingand enforceable. Date Signature Name (Custodial Parent) Bar Number and Firm Name (attorneys only) Street Address/P.O. Box City/State/ZIP Code Phone E-mail Address American LegalNet, Inc.