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Application For Judicial Vacancy Form. This is a Nebraska form and can be use in General Statewide.
Tags: Application For Judicial Vacancy, Nebraska Statewide, General
Nebraska Court System
Court for which application is being submitted
This application shall be available to the public and shall be preserved by the
State Court Administrator for not less than 10 years.
Full Name
Are you 30 years old or older?
Are you a citizen of the United States?
Home Address
Zip Code
Zip Code
Home Phone
Business Address
Business Phone
Length of residence in Nebraska
Number of years practicing law in Nebraska
Number of years practicing law in other states
Residence addresses for the past 10 years
, in states of
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American LegalNet, Inc.
List each college and law school attended, including dates of attendance, degree(s) awarded, and reason for
leaving each school if no degree was awarded.
List all firms with which you have been associated in practice; governmental agencies, private business
organizations, or colleges by which you have been employed; periods you have practiced as a sole
practitioner; law clerkships; and other prior legal employment. Include dates of employment and positions
held. List your most recent employment first.
List all courts, State Bar Associations, and administrative bodies having special admission requirements
before which you are presently admitted to practice, including dates of admission.
Have you ever been reprimanded or otherwise disciplined by any disciplinary committee of the Nebraska
State Bar Association, by the Supreme Court of the State of Nebraska, by the Nebraska Judicial
Qualifications Commission, or by a similar committee or court in this or any other state? If so, please give
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American LegalNet, Inc.
If you have had prior judicial or quasi-judicial experience, describe the approximate number and nature of
cases you have handled and years of service on the bench.
List any honors, prizes, awards, or other forms of recognition received of which you feel the commission
should be aware.
Have you ever been convicted for violation of any laws? If so, please give details (this includes violations
that have been set aside or expunged.) Do not include traffic violations unless they also included a
potential jail sentence.
Have you ever had your driver's license revoked, suspended, or impounded or has your privilege to drive a
motor vehicle ever been restricted for the violation of any law? ____ Yes ____ No.
If so, when and in what state?
If you have additional information that you wish the commission to consider in the public portion of the
application process, you may attach a resume or vita to this form.
Please return original copy and attached Fair Credit Reporting Act Disclosure Statement and Waiver of
Confidentiality plus 16 copies of each promptly to the Supreme Court Chair of the Judicial Nominating Commission
to which you are making application.
Send to:
Nebraska Supreme Court
P.O. Box 98910
Lincoln, Nebraska 68509
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American LegalNet, Inc.
Fair Credit Reporting Act
Disclosure Statement
The Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act, as amended by the Consumer Credit Reporting Reform Act of 1996, permits
the procurement of consumer credit reports for employment purposes.
The Act provides that a clear and conspicuous disclosure shall be made in writing to the applicant before the report
is procured, that a consumer report may be obtained for employment purposes and the applicant shall authorize the
procurement of the report in writing. In using the report for employment purposes, before taking any adverse action
based in whole or in part on the report, the subscriber shall provide the applicant a copy of the report and a copy of
“Summary of Consumer Rights”. The information from the report will not be used in violation of any applicable
federal or state equal employment law or regulation.
The Nebraska Supreme Court has contracted with the Lincoln Credit B
ureau of Lincoln, Nebraska to procure a
consumer credit report on each judicial vacancy applicant. A copy of the applicant=s report, instructions to the
report, and “Summary of Consumer Rights” document will be mailed to the home address of the applicant as soon
as possible after the filing deadline for the judicial vacancy. A copy of the applicant=s consumer credit report and
instructions to the report will be included in the materials provided to each member and alternate member of the
Judicial Nomination Commission. If the applicant=s name is submitted to the Governor for consideration, a copy of
the consumer credit report will be forwarded to the Governor. Any corrective documentation of the consumer credit
report will be provided to the commission members and if applicable, to the Governor.
I hereby authorize the Nebraska Supreme Court to obtain a copy of my consumer credit report for employment
Name (Please Print)
Signature of Applicant
Signed and sworn to this
day of
Notary Public
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American LegalNet, Inc.
Waiver of Confidentiality
Application for Judicial Vacancy and Personal Data Sheet
Nebraska Judicial Nominating Commission
I hereby state that to the best of my knowledge the answers to all questions contained in my application
and personal data sheet are true, and I understand that knowingly providing false information may subject
me to removal from office.
I understand that by submitting this application I am consenting to investigation and verification of any
information listed in both the Application for Judicial Vacancy and the Personal Data Sheet.
I authorize the Nebraska State Bar Association or any of its committees, the office of the Counsel for
Discipline, the Judicial Qualifications Commission, educational institutions I have attended, any
references furnished by me, employers, business and professional associates, law enforcement
agencies, all governmental agencies and instrumentalities and all other public or private agencies or
persons maintaining records pertaining to my citizenship, residency, age, credit, taxes, education,
employment, civil litigation, criminal litigation, law enforcement investigation, admission to the
practice of law, service in the U. S. Armed Forces, or disciplinary history to release to the Judicial
Nominating Commission or its agent(s) any information, files, records, or reports requested by the
commission in connection wit h any consideration of me as a possible nominee for appointment to
judicial office.
Submission of this application expresses my willingness to accept an appointment if tendered by the
Governor, and my willingness to serve as judge in all matters falling under the jurisdiction of the Court
for which I have submitted this application. If my name is submitted to the Governor for
consideration, I authorize the release of the information contained in my Personal Data Sheet and the
release of any other investigative materials to the Governor of the State of Nebraska.
Name (Please Print)
Signature of Applicant
Signed and sworn to this
day of
Notary Public
Appendix 2: Application Package
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American LegalNet, Inc.