Application For Liquor License Catering License
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Application For Liquor License Catering License Form. This is a Nebraska form and can be use in Liquor Control Commission Statewide.
Tags: Application For Liquor License Catering License, 35-4202, Nebraska Statewide, Liquor Control Commission
PO BOX 95046
LINCOLN, NE 68509-5046
PHONE: (402) 471-2571
FAX: (402) 471-2814
FEE $100.00
A catering license allows a retail licensee to deliver, sell or dispense alcoholic liquors,
including beer, for consumption at a location designated on a Special Designated License
(SDL). The catering license is renewed in the same manner and time as the retail license
held by the licensee. A licensee shall not cater an event unless a SDL has been obtained.
An applicant seeking a SDL must be filed with the local governing body where the event
is to be held at least 21 days prior to the event. The application must then be filed with
the Commission ten working days prior to the event. The local or county approval and
law enforcement notification letter must accompany the SDL when submitted to the
Commission. The $40 per day license fee is waived for the holder of a catering license
and the number of events allowed is unlimited.
CLASS OF LICENSE AND NUMBER________________________________________
NAME OF LICENSEE_____________________________________________________
TRADE NAME__________________________________________________________
PREMISE ADDRESS_____________________________________________________
CITY/STATE/ZIP CODE__________________________________________________
A copy of your application for a catering license will be forwarded to the local governing
body for recommendation Neb.rev.state., the Liquor Commission shall set for hearing
any application receiving local governing body denial, a citizens protest or having
statutory problems discovered by the Commission. If the local governing body does not
make a recommendation, the Commission may approve or deny the issuance of a license.
Catering licenses shall be delivered to the licensee in the same manner as provided in
subsection (4) of Neb. rev. state., for delivery of licenses.
Signature of Licensee
Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this________day of________,______
Notary Public Signature & Seal
American LegalNet, Inc.