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License Application Checklist Form. This is a Nebraska form and can be use in Liquor Control Commission Statewide.
Tags: License Application Checklist, 35-4251, Nebraska Statewide, Liquor Control Commission
Applicant Name ___________________________________________Telephone #__________________
Trade Name_______________________________Previous Trade Name__________________________
Provide all the items requested. Failure to provide any item will cause this application to be returned or
placed on hold. All documents must be legible. Any false statement or omission may result in the denial,
suspension, cancellation or revocation of your license. Your operation depends on receiving a liquor license
the Nebraska Liquor Commission cautions you that if you purchase, remodel, start construction, spend or
commit money that you do so at your own risk. Prior to submitting your application review the application
carefully to ensure that all sections are complete, and that any omissions or errors have not been made. All
applications & attachments must be submitted in triplicate. You may want to check with the city/village or
county clerk, where you are making application, to see if any additional local requirements must be met
before submitting application to the state.
1. Fingerprint cards for each person (two cards per person) must be enclosed with a separate check payable to the
Nebraska State Patrol for processing in the amount of $38.00 for each person. All areas must be completed on
cards as per brochure. To prevent the delay in issuing your license, we strongly suggest you go to a
Nebraska State Patrol Agency or law enforcement agency listed in the fingerprint brochure.
2. Enclose registration and license fees for the appropriate class of license, made out to the Nebraska Liquor
Control Commission.
___3. Enclose the appropriate additional application forms; Individual License - Form 1; Partnership License - Form
2; Corporate LLC License - Form 3a and Manager application - Form 3b(with corporate application only).
LLC application must include all members.
____4. If building is being leased send a copy of the lease. Be sure it is in the individual(s) or corporate name being
applied for. Also, the lease must extend through the license year being applied for. If building is owned, send
a copy of the deed or purchase agreement in the appropriate name.
____5. If you are buying the business of a current licensee, provide a copy of the purchase agreement from licensee.
This also needs to be in applicant’s name.
6. Enclose a copy of the temporary agency agreement, if applicable. Must be on Commission form only. Include
a copy of the signature card from the bank showing both the sellers and buyers name(s) on account.
7. Copy of alcohol inventory being purchased. Inventory shall include brand names and container sizes.
Inventory may be taken at the time application is being submitted.
____8. Enclose a list of any inventory or property owned by other parties that are on the premise.
____9. For individual and partnership applications enclose proof of citizenship birth certificates, or naturalization
documents for all persons listed on application. Documents must be a certificate from the State, where born,
not hospital certificate.
FORM 35-4251
REV. 2/04
American LegalNet, Inc.
____10.If a corporation enclose a copy of the articles of incorporation. This document must show receipt (barcode) by
the Secretary of States Office.
Mail checklist, all applications and attachments to: Nebraska Liquor Control Commission, 301 Centennial Mall South,
PO Box 95046, Lincoln NE 68509-5046
I acknowledge that this application is not a guarantee that a liquor license will be issued to me, and that the average
processing period is 45-60 days. Furthermore, I understand that all the information is truthful and I accept all
responsibility for any false documents.
FORM 35-4251
REV. 2/04
American LegalNet, Inc.