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Temporary Agency Agreement Form. This is a Nebraska form and can be use in Liquor Control Commission Statewide.
Tags: Temporary Agency Agreement, 35-4231, Nebraska Statewide, Liquor Control Commission
1. On_________________________, _________, Seller and Buyer entered into a contract for sale of the business known as
_____________________________________________________________, which contract is contingent upon Buyer receiving
approval for a liquor license to operate the business.
2. Seller and Buyer agree to allow Buyer to operate the business, subject to approval by the Liquor Control Commission, for a
period not to exceed 120 days subsequent to ______________________, _______, the date of filing the application with the
Liquor Control Commission.
3. Seller will maintain a possessory interest in the property in the form of a lease, use permit or license;
4. Buyer will at all times be the agent of the Seller, but Buyer will be completely and totally responsible for the operation of the
business and for all liability associated with the operation of the business during the time when Buyer is acting as Seller’s agent; it
is specifically understood that Seller shall have no liability for the operation of the business during this period of time, and Buyer
agrees to indemnify and hold Seller harmless from any claims arising during this period of operation; however, it is understood
that the liquor license remains in the name of the Seller and Seller will be responsible for all violations of the liquor laws of the
State of Nebraska until such time as Seller’s license is canceled;
5. At time of closing, certain funds will be held in escrow pending issuance of the license.
6.Financial Institution: Name, Address, Account number of where escrow account is being held - Send Copy Of Signature Card.
7. All profits derived from the operation of the business by the buyer, after payment of bills and salaries, shall be paid to the same
escrow agent to be held until the issuance of the license, it being specifically understood that the Buyer shall receive no profits
from the operation of the business until the liquor license has been issued to Buyer, but shall have the right to direct the
investment of profit funds by escrow agent.
8. This agreement constitutes the entire and complete understanding of all parties with regard to the agency relationship, and is
binding upon the heirs, personal representatives and successors of the parties.
9. It is hereby understood that in the event the Commission denies this application, this Temporary Agency Agreement is null and
void the date of the order.
Signature of Seller_________________________________________________
Signature of Seller_________________________________________________
Signature of Buyer_________________________________________________
Signature of Buyer_________________________________________________
Dated this___________________________day of ________________________, _________.
The above and foregoing Agency Agreement was acknowledged before me this______ day of ______________________, __________,
by _____________________________________________, as Seller,____________________________________________, as Seller.
The above and foregoing Agency Agreement was acknowledged before me this______ day of ______________________, __________,
by _____________________________________________, as Buyer, ___________________________________________, as Buyer.
Signature & Seal of Notary Public ________________________________________________
American LegalNet, Inc.
REV 8/00
Form 35-4231