Application For Notice (Eviction)
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Application For Notice (Eviction) Form. This is a Nevada form and can be use in Clark County.
Tags: Application For Notice (Eviction), Nevada County, Clark
APPLICATION FOR A NOTICE If your property is in North Las Vegas or Henderson, you must go to the North Las Vegas Constable: 2428 Martin Luther King Boulevard, or Henderson Constable: 243 Water Street. TYPE OF NOTICE REQUESTED ... SELECT ONLY ONE 5-DAY NOTICE TO PAY THE RENT OR QUIT THE PREMISES. REASON: 30-DAY NOTICE TO QUIT THE PREMISES. (Must be followed by a 5-Day Unlawful Detainer.) REASON: 7-DAY NOTICE TO QUIT THE PREMISES. (Must be followed by a 5-Day Unlawful Detainer.) REASON: 3-DAY NUISANCE NOTICE. (This is served for violations of the rent or lease agreement and is NOT associated IN ANY WAY with non-payment of rent. This notice must be followed by a 5-Day Unlawful Detainer.) REASON: can only be obtained after the Notice in question has expired. A copy of the previously served Notice always accompanies a 5-Day Unlawful Detainer.) 5-DAY UNLAWFUL DETAINER. (This notice is associated with the 3-Day, 7-Day, 10-Day, and 30-Day Notices and OWNER INFORMATION Last Name: First Name: Address: City, State ZIP: Phone #: RENTAL INFORMATION Tenancy Began: Last Month the Rent was Due: Monthly Rent: Cleaning Deposit: Security Deposit: Advanced Rent: Rent Now Owed: Late Fee: Applicant's Signature: Please Print Name: PLEASE CHECK ONE: TENANT INFORMATION Last Name: First Name: And All Occupants Tenant Only Address: Apt #: City, State ZIP: Property Name: No Gated? Yes Code #: Key Provided? / / $ $ $ $ $ $ / / Additional space for REASON, if needed: Date: AGENT Phone #: OWNER JOHN BONAVENTURA LAS VEGAS TOWNSHIP CONSTABLE P.O. Box 552110 y Las Vegas, NV y 89155-2110 WARNING This form is NOT a notice of any kind It is ONLY an application by a landlord to obtain a notice. American LegalNet, Inc.